What's The Most Shocking Ending You've Ever Seen In A Documentary?

Documentaries can be powerful, intriguing, and downright shocking sometimes — particularly if there's a WILD twist ending!

Fair warning: spoilers ahead for some iconic docs!

For example, if you've seen The Thin Blue Line, your jaw probably hit the floor when you realized the movie basically got (wrongfully) convicted killer Randall Dale Adams off death row.

Closeup of Randall Dale Adams

Or, perhaps, you jumped up and screamed when you heard Robert Durst's famous ~confession~ at the end of The Jinx?

Closeup of Robert Durst

Maybe you actually thought, "OH SHIT!" while watching Icarus when Russian doping mastermind Grigory Rodchenkov was actually put into the witness protection program?!

Screenshot from "Icarus"

Documentary fans, now's your time to shine and be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video! Tell us in the comments below or via this totally anonymous form: What's the most shocking ending or twist you've EVER seen in a doc?