What's Your Most Controversial Opinion On Relationships?
When it comes to dating and relationships, everybody has LOTS of opinions. Some of those opinions are widely shared, and others are more niche or "controversial." But hey, controversial doesn't automatically mean wrong! Those opinions just tend to start more heated or polarizing conversations.
Perhaps you firmly believe that a person in a committed, monogamous, heterosexual relationship should not have close friends of another gender. They can have friendly, polite relationships with people of a different gender, but they should not hang out with them one-on-one or text them frequently.
Maybe you think people in open relationships have, by far, the healthiest and most authentic approach to dating and marriage. You believe open relationships provide people with support and consistency while also giving them the freedom to explore. You're interested in finding a primary partner, but you only want to commit to someone who also feels like open relationships provide the best structure.
Or, perhaps you think blind dates are hands-down the best way to meet a partner. You don't like going into dates with any context and prefer to get to know someone 100% organically. You don't like dating apps because you find the bios and prompts super cringey. You want to get to know someone by talking to them, not by reading their silly answers to random questions.
What's your most controversial dating or relationship hot take? Tell us in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.