Weekly Horoscope: August 11-August 17, Go with the Flow Instead of Making Big Decisions

See what this weekly horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign amid Mercury retrograde

<p>Getty</p> Leo Meghan Markle


Leo Meghan Markle

Our productivity, employment, routines and work-life balance have likely been spinning off the tracks in recent weeks, which we'll feel quite potently until Aug. 14 as our cosmic messenger backtracks along the flower fields of Virgo.

From Aug. 14 until Aug. 28, Mercury will re-tread the kingdom halls of Leo which is predicted to bring confusion, miscommunication or situations from the past back to our attention around our passions, romance, creativity and desires.

The key to handling Mercury retrograde energy? Lie low, see what the universe brings to you and go with the flow rather than making big decisions.

Related: Here's What Your Biggest Challenge in August Will Be, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Ironically, this is one of the best retrogrades to reconnect with an old flame, ex or the one who got away. Holding a torch for someone and want to see if your stars have realigned? Reach out and you could get lucky!

As for other cosmic energy this week, the first half leading up to Aug. 14 will be filled with fiery, passionate, courageous and sexy energy that you could channel into your personal or professional lives. Take the lead, get hot and heavy with a lover or go on a first date!

However, you could also find more hurdles, challenges and confrontation from Aug. 14 through early next week. This is not the time to strike forth! Don’t charge into battle, rather, breathe and surrender.

Read on for what the cosmos have in store for you this week!

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Horoscope Constellation Aries
Horoscope Constellation Aries

When it comes to your M.O., Aries, you’re the first to charge into new territory and take the lead. However, the present Mercury retrograde phase is telling you to calm your fire and take a chill pill.

You may notice that the first half of the week brings rocky weather or delays around productivity, work projects or health. On a positive note, employers or projects from the past could resurface.

In the second half of the week, the Mercury retrograde brings storms to your romantic or creative life. Fortunately, though, this phase could offer you the chance to rehash conversations you’d like to readdress with your sweetheart — or perhaps, you could even reconnect with an old flame!

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Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Horoscope Constellation Taurus
Horoscope Constellation Taurus

This summer’s Mercury retrograde is a bit peculiar because it is drawing attention to a couple of areas of your life which could make you quite emotional, Taurus. Tip: Don't dig your heels in stubbornly and cross your arms defensively!

The first half of the week could bring confusion, miscommunication or situations from the past back for you to face in regards to love, romance, creativity or children. This is the ideal period to reconnect with a sweetheart you still miss.

Later in the week, you’ll feel a bit emotionally turbulent. You may feel called to reassess situations in regard to home, family, domestic matters or real estate.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Horoscope Constellation Gemini
Horoscope Constellation Gemini

Of all the zodiac signs, Gemini, you’re often one of the most affected by Mercury retrograde phases. With your planetary ruler taking a nap and spinning out of orbit, you’re unsure what way is up, down, left or right!

However, the best thing to do at this time is to roll with the punches and try to flow. The first half of the week could bring some hurdles around home, family or domestic matters — but if you want to rehash a conversation with a parent or one of your kindred, it could be a good time to do so.

Later in the week, your mind, ideas and communications will be especially whacky, so you may want to postpone any big plans or discussions until later in the month — or perhaps, even push to September.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Horoscope Constellation Cancer
Horoscope Constellation Cancer

The universe isn’t playing tricks on you right now, Cancer, but it is encouraging you to focus even more on what your intuition is picking up.

For the first half of the week, the Mercury retrograde phase will feel as if a hummingbird is racing in your head and you aren’t able to think, speak or connect properly. Even if communication feels right, the message you’re transmitting may not be getting across or the responses aren't being heard accurately.

The second half of this week and the rest of the month could bring delays, challenges, or confusion around money — like missed checks or bills or sudden expenses. On a positive spin, if you’d like to revise your budget, reach out to a past job or client or cut out extra expenses, you could be in luck.

Related: Your Love Horoscope for August: Stay Adaptable but Use Your Discernment

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

Horoscope Constellation Leo
Horoscope Constellation Leo

Breathe in, breathe out, Leo. Birthday season could be feeling a bit awkward this year!

While you’ll surely be feeling fired up and eager to connect with pals (radiating popularity like the star that you are), the first half of the week could be bringing confusion, delays or stagnation around income, finances and expenses.

For instance, you may notice that clients aren’t paying up or that bills you thought you handled never actually went through and you’re forced to fix things in a tizzy. The second half of the week through the month's end, meanwhile, could be the most confusing and challenging part of this retrograde phase because it will be spinning a cyclone in your zodiac sign!

You may notice big delays, confusion and miscommunication around your personal goals and relationships. On a positive note, though, you may find that old projects or people from the past return to you and you are able to reconnect, catch up or stop and smell the roses!

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Horoscope Constellation Virgo
Horoscope Constellation Virgo

Mercury retrograde phases always bring up a lot of turmoil for you, Virgo, but this one could be more frustrating than normal because it has been taking place in your zodiac sign and will continue to do so until mid-week.

You may feel as if you can’t get anything done, are especially lethargic or that everyone is on a different page. Meanwhile, there is good that may come from this — especially once you pass mid-week and proceed throughout the rest of this month.

You may find you're able to slow down, reassess everything going on in your life and uncover ways you can pivot to make necessary changes personally or professionally. Sometimes in life we race forward too quickly and lose track of the little moments, so now is a time to appreciate them.

Simply put, it’s like standing in the rain and seeing a rainbow!

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Horoscope Constellation Libra
Horoscope Constellation Libra

It’s been feeling rather tense lately and you may be experiencing tension, anxiety and a deep need to lie low, Libra. You may even be feeling as if you’re being attacked and don’t know where it’s coming from.

The best thing to do? Find your sense of balance through meditation, TLC or prayer (especially through mid-week). However, at that point, the winds will shift and you will notice that Mercury retrograde is stirring the pot in your social life until the end of the month.

On a positive note, this could aid you in reconnecting with old friends, past acquaintances or even the ex that got away. It could also make you feel a bit of tension with a friend or a group of people who may not be on the same page, which could cause some drama.

Related: Your Horoscope for August: Find Grounding Amidst the Chaos

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Horoscope Constellation Scorpio
Horoscope Constellation Scorpio

Initially, Scorpio, you’ve probably been feeling like this summer Mercury retrograde isn’t as tough as you may have expected.

You may have noticed that with cancellations and scheduling mishaps, you’ve had more time to enjoy your passions, connect with friends and revisit old relationships. If you’d like to reconnect with someone special, do so prior to mid-week!

Yet, you won’t emerge from this Mercury retrograde entirely unfazed because the second half of the month (starting on Aug. 14) will bring confusion and challenges to your professional life, career and ambitions.

There's a good way to use this energy, though! Resurrect old career projects or even reach out to old contacts or employers.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Horoscope Constellation Sagittarius
Horoscope Constellation Sagittarius

Delays, frustrations and miscommunication around career matters and work projects may come your way, Sagittarius. This is especially noticeable for the first half of the week.

However, the best thing about this is that you’re actually being given a chance to revise your strategies on your professional conquest. If you’d like to reconnect with old contacts, bosses or employers, the cards are in your favor.

The second half of the week through the rest of August may instead have you debating how you embrace a life that feels more fulfilling and enriching across the board. You could be itching to make some big changes, but are spinning in a tide pool but aren’t sure how to proceed.

Consider listening to your spirit or connecting with a mentor for guidance.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Horoscope Constellation Capricorn
Horoscope Constellation Capricorn

Mercury retrograde has been telling you to re-evaluate your goals and plans, Capricorn. You may feel the need to really listen to your heart, intuition and spirit, too.

The best part? There is wisdom just waiting to be soaked up by you — and it could be from a teacher, mantra or doctrine you’ve previously focused upon. You may also be debating some of your beliefs at this time, especially until mid-week.

After this, there appears to be a bit of delay or confusion around large money matters — especially assets, investments, debts or loans. It may be an ideal time to chat with a financial advisor.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Horoscope Constellation Aquarius
Horoscope Constellation Aquarius

You’ve likely noticed already that this year’s summer Mercury retrograde is bringing a major spotlight to your relationships, Aquarius. You could be significantly debating where you stand in a personal or professional union.

On one side, you could be wondering if you’re giving and receiving equally. On the other, you could be wondering about trust, vulnerability or intimacy.

You may also be dealing with frustrations with larger financial matters. The best thing about this particular retrograde, though, is that you can reconnect with important people from the past. Do so if you feel called to it!

Related: Here's What Venus Entering Leo Means for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)

Horoscope Constellation Pisces
Horoscope Constellation Pisces

In recent days, Pisces, you’ve noticed confusion or miscommunication in relationships. You may notice that you’re just not on the same page and your messages aren’t getting through.

On a different note, you could be reconnecting with people from the past or find your mind consistently daydreaming about them. Reach out if you want to see how they’re doing.

Starting mid-week, though, there will be some delays, challenges or confusion about your work and life balance, employment assignments, or just your job in general. Practice patience.

Kyle Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!

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