Watch this teacher get a heartwarming surprise when a student thanks her with a tattoo

High school graduate Chayce McCoy had one person on his gratitude list as he prepared to chase his dreams: his teacher, Renee Sigmon. But his thanks weren't just verbal; they left a permanent mark on his chest.

Struggling during his freshman year, Chayce felt lost. "I didn't think I was good at anything," he said. "I had pretty much given up on myself."

Enter Renee, who turned his world around. The teacher refused to give up on him. Instead, she reminded him of his worth and urged him to reach his full potential.

"Mrs. Sigmon has been my biggest inspiration throughout the last two years," he said. "She has taught me that my worth is decided on what I make of it."

With Renee's unwavering support, Chayce found his passion for culinary arts. Competing with his team, Blue Flame, he excelled, earning awards and culinary certification. The 18-year-old also secured a spot at the University of Cincinnati for business. His ultimate dream is to one day open his own restaurant.

"I've grown so much as a chef and a person," Chayce said. "I seriously would not be where I'm at without Mrs. Sigmon."

Watch the video above to see Renee's reaction to Chayce's 'thank you' tattoo.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Watch student surprise his teacher with tattoo of her handwritten note