Watch These Fitness YouTubers Get Destroyed by David Goggins’ Training Routine

David Goggins has carved out a successful post-military career as an author and motivational speaker in part due to his own life story, in particular the many physical challenges he has undertaken. This has led to a growing number of fitness influencers aping his accomplishments, from running 48 miles in 48 hours to following his 800-calorie-per-day diet weight loss diet.

In a recent video, YouTubers Brandon William and Jesse James West spend the day working out and eating like Goggins, specifically taking on the daily routine and diet he used to lose 100lbs in just 3 months while preparing to join the Navy SEALs. William reasons that because this is Goggins' weight loss plan, it makes sense for them to be carrying extra weight during the challenge, and so both he and West each don a 30lbs vest for the entire day.

The day kicks off with a "pretty rough" 4:30am start. After each eating a banana, William and West spend an hour on the stationary bike, before hitting the pool for a 2-mile swim. "Since we're both terrible swimmers, we decided to split the 2 miles between us into 1 mile each," says William. "Even though we were swimming just 1 mile each, we were struggling quite a bit."

At 11 a.m. it's time for a full-body workout, consisting of 100 reps each on pull-ups, bench press and deadlift. West notes that with the padding of the vest and the relatively light barbell (45lbs), they're essentially doing pretty easy half-reps on the bench press. Although by the time he gets through all 100 reps, he's feeling different. "Oh my god, my chest is on fire," he says.

To make it through the rest of the workout, William and West increase their rest periods between sets, and eventually complete all 300 reps each.

The workout is followed by a run on the beach — "I'm never running again," claims West—and an hour-long bike ride. Or at least, it's a cycle for West; William's tire is flat, which means he runs the entire way home.

When it is finally time to eat at 7pm, they keep the menu simple, with a bro classic meal of chicken breast, broccoli, and white rice. That brings their entire calorie intake for the day to around 800.

"This is so rewarding," says William. "This really makes me appreciate food more."

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