Everyone's Trying To Save Money Right Now, So I Want To Know Which Life-Changing Purchases You've Made That Are Actually Worth The $$$
Making big (or bigger) purchases can be overwhelming and expensive! But often, if you do your research and invest in a quality product or service, you'll save money and time in the end.
So, if you've purchased a "worth-it" product that has changed your life for the better, we want to know what it is! For example, I personally swear by Brooklyn Bedding for my mattresses because of their quality, customization, and, most importantly, customer service.
Maybe you think tailoring your clothes is completely worth it because wearing something that fits you perfectly gives you more confidence.
Or maybe you swear by your Global Entry or TSA Precheck membership!
Or, to be incredibly boring but practical, maybe your custom insoles have changed your life (I know they've changed mine!).
Tell us about a "worth-it" product that has changed your life for the better (and why) in the comments, or this anonymous form for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post.