Victoria’s Secret Perfume Is A Bug-Busting Mosquito Repellant


Holding your nose, spraying yourself vigorously and then running away from the spritz-zone as quickly as possible. That’s the usual insect repellent-applying procedure.

But perhaps not any more, as a study has found that the Victoria’s Secret Bombshell perfume is an almighty repellent against those pesky mosquitoes.

The research - published in the Journal of Insect Science - tested the effectiveness of various repellents and perfumes by spritzing human skin and unleashing the pests.

Those that kept the mozzies at bay were dubbed effective repellents, which strangely included the lingerie brand’s scent.


The scientists assumed that the fruity scent would attract the little beasts, but in fact they actually hated the smell.

Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil was also another unlikely weapon against the blood-thirsty suckers, but only remained effective for about two hours, while the VS Bombshell perfume remained potent for a greater stretch of time.

Despite these formidable findings, the overall advice from experts is to stick to the specifically formulated over-the-counter products.