Victoria Beckham shaking up 'reborn' fashion brand

Victoria Beckham is shaking up her fashion brand by merging her high-end and more affordable diffusion lines.

The star founded her eponymous fashion house back in 2008, but the firm had racked up losses in recent years despite the former Spice Girl winning praise for her sophisticated cuts and designs.

Victoria has now announced that for her pre-spring 2022 collection her main line and the cheaper Victoria, Victoria Beckham lines will merge, with average prices falling by around 40 per cent, in what she calls a "rebirth" for the brand.

"What we've decided to do post-pandemic is to take Victoria Beckham and Victoria, Victoria Beckham and merge the two into one cohesive brand," she told Vogue. "It will bring our average price point down from over £900 to £550 without compromising the desirability, quality, and ready-to-wear aesthetic."

Discussing her decision to refocus her company with a new approach, the star said she had identified a gap in the market for luxury designs at a lower price.

"We saw such a huge opportunity and change in the way that people not only want to dress, but shop," she said. "We saw a sweet spot with this price point, if you like. It will just mean that we'll have a more accessible entry price, but we'll still have the high-end pieces. There's not a single seam that feels like a compromise, and I'm really excited about it."

When designing the new line Victoria took inspiration from the more relaxed style people have embraced during Covid-19 lockdowns by creating less formal but striking designs they will be happy to wear when out and about.

"During the pandemic, the question on everyone's lips has been: what do we want to wear when we come out of this? I believe that people want a sense of ease about the way the dress," she added. "I use the word 'ease' and not 'comfort', because it's still about a strong fashion message and feeling as considered, just easier and slightly less buttoned-up, if you like."

Outlining what fans can expect from the new collection, she revealed: "People want to dress up, they want to go out. We've got lilac sequins with bright pink turtleneck jumpers, but there's an ease at the same time, which feels like how people will want to dress post-pandemic, in my opinion."