Vegetable planting guide: what to plant in October

There's still plenty to do in the garden as the leaves start to fall - Alamy
There's still plenty to do in the garden as the leaves start to fall - Alamy

Patio pots and containers 

Plant: Mail order salad plug plants of corn salad, winter purslane, American land cress, lettuce 'Winter Density’, lettuce 'Arctic King’, salad rocket.

Sunny porch, lean-to or unheated greenhouse (mini or large)

Sow: Pots of cut-and-come-again mixed salad leaves.


Radish - Credit: Alamy
Radishes can still be grown in the colder months in a polytunnel Credit: Alamy


Outdoors under cloches and/or garden fleece 

Sow: Radish 'Short Top Forcing’ and salad rocket.

Outdoors in the garden or allotment 

Sow: Broad bean 'Bunyard’s Exhibition’, pea 'Feltham First’ and overwintering lettuce 'Arctic King’.


  • Rhubarb 'Poulton’s Pride’

  • Spring cabbage F1 'Duncan’

  • Cloves of autumn planting garlic 'Messidrome’, 'Provence Wight’ or 'Germidour’

  • Autumn planting 'sets’ of overwintering onion 'Senshyu Yellow’, shallots 'Jermor’ or 'Hative de Niort’

  • Elephant garlic

Elephant Garlic - Credit:  Clara Molden
Forget normal garlic, try growing some elephant garlic Credit: Clara Molden

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