The Condom Challenge: Tickling The World With Supreme Idiocy

One morning someone woke up and thought: “I’m going to see what happens when my mate throws a water-filled condom on my head,” and lo, the next internet craze was born.


Folks all over the world - teenagers mostly - have been embracing the latest viral internet trend and sharing their efforts online.

Vine @Danus

As you can see, it worked out pretty well for these guys.

Vine @R U Brandon Kent

This fella is just going to leave his friend to suffocate.

Vine @exoticrew

The trend follows a series of compellingly pointless acts of idiocy which include: The Cinnamon Challenge, Planking and The Ice Bucket Challenge (though that was raising money for charity, to be fair).

Vine @Abbie Peterson

Vine @Julie McEwen

It seems we have an appetite for doing dumb things and watching others do dumb things. If it brings pleasure to you and those around you then why not, eh? But…

Vine @Sarah James

…we really can’t recommend you cover your mouth and nose with a water-filled condom. You won’t be able to breathe. Bad idea.

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