People Who Dated Or Married A Relative, What's Your Story?

This is no grand statement, but people generally tend to date and/or marry people they’re NOT related to. I know, I know. Shocker, right?

A couple with their hands together on the couch
Davin G Photography / Getty Images

But that doesn’t mean that people don’t date and/or marry (and even have kids with) people they’re related to. Is it surprising when it happens? Absolutely. But there are a number of reasons it can.

Perhaps, for example, the couple fell in love and then learned they were related thanks to a DNA test or family secret being revealed. Maybe they stayed together, or maybe it tore them apart.

A scientist looking at DNA on a screen
Andrew Brookes / Getty Images/Image Source

Another possibility is that they knew they were related (like, say, second or third cousins) but found themselves falling in love and decided to go forward with it anyway, judgment be damned.

A woman looking disapproving
Drbimages / Getty Images

And then there are wild stories you hear of even closer relatives pairing up!

If you know someone in a relationship like this — or heck, if you’re in one yourself — we want to hear about it! Tell us in the comments below or via this anonymous form, and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!