Teachers Who Have Made The Choice To Quit Unexpectedly, What Was Your Final Straw?

Teachers who have quit unexpectedly, I want to know the final straw that ultimately made you leave the classroom. What finally caused you to make the decision to quit?

Maybe you had an incident with a student that just went way too far, and your admin failed to give you proper support. Tell me what happened.

Person with curly hair and a surprised expression wearing a checkered shirt and sweater. Background is a blurred indoor setting

I've read comments from teachers who say they feel like they're running a daycare more than a classroom. Maybe you've had a difficult time teaching students postpandemic, and it just became too draining. Tell me about it!

Child with headphones resting on an open book at a table
Antonio_diaz / Getty Images

Maybe you have had to deal with absolutely wild parents, and didn't feel respected as an educator. I want to hear about it!


Or perhaps it's something I haven't even thought about. Whatever made you quit, I want to hear about it in the comments below. Or, if you prefer to stay anonymous, feel free to check out this anonymous Google form! I'm looking forward to reading your stories! And who knows — your comment might show up in an upcoming BuzzFeed article.