Tasha Ghouri on the moment she thought boyfriend Andrew Le Page was proposing

tasha ghouri on moment she thought andrew le page was proposing
Tasha on moment she thought Andrew was proposingJoe Maher - Getty Images

Love Island star Tasha Ghouri has candidly spoken about the moment she ~almost~ got engaged to boyfriend Andrew Le Page.

Opening up on her YouTube channel (video above), the dancer turned reality TV star revealed she was gifted a ring in a Tiffany & Co. box over Christmas, which she initially believed to be an engagement ring from Andrew.

"Andrew got me a gorgeous promise ring," the 23-year-old told her fans as she showed off the ring. "I love it so much. It’s so simple and I love silver. I did not expect that all and I started crying."

"When I first saw the box I was like, [gasps] because that is an engagement box! When I opened it, I didn’t know what to say," she continued. "No one’s ever done that for me before and now I can wear that on my finger and I love something meaningful like that and something special that’s linked to Andrew, that’s why I really love it."

At that moment, Andrew joined into the conversation, jokingly adding: "She’s not gonna wear it, she wants to keep it in the box."

tasha ghouri on moment she thought andrew le page was proposing
Joe Maher - Getty Images

Tasha then admitted she's not sure what finger to wear the promise ring on, and plans to "Google it".

"We’re not engaged, ok?" she playfully reminded fans. "If you see me wearing it on my ring finger, it’s a promise ring!" To that, Andrew replied that it "won't be long" until he does actually get down on one knee.

Erm, can anyone else hear those wedding bells!?

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