This Strongman-Inspired Leg Day Packs a Quad-Building Punch in Just 30 Minutes

This Strongman-Inspired Leg Day Packs a Quad-Building Punch in Just 30 Minutes

When it comes to leg day, we’ve given you plenty of alternatives to heavy squats over the years. That being said, we all know that when it comes to building a bigger, stronger lower body, heavy squats are one of the best tools in your arsenal.

This strongman-inspired leg workout challenges you to lift as heavy as possible on the classic barbell front squat, before tackling a lung-busting, brute strength-building sandbag AMRAP. The type of practical strength and stamina you build from workouts like these can’t be overstated.

In the first part of the workout, you’ll set a timer for 10 minutes and, after a thorough warm-up, build to the heaviest 3-5 reps of front squat you can manage for the day. Build steadily, increasing your rest time as the weight on the bar increases.

In part two, grab a heavy sandbag or d-ball and work your way through as many high-quality rounds of the soul-sucking, full-body circuit as possible in 20 minutes. Rest as necessary to maintain good form, but keep the pace high for maximum results. Note how many rounds and reps you’ve accumulated when the buzzer sounds. Attempt to beat your 'score' next time leg day rolls around.

A. Front Squat x work to a heavy 3-5 reps in 10 minutes

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Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

With your feet at shoulder-width, hold a barbell across your chest. Then, lift your elbows high to secure the bar on your shoulders (A). Maintain an upright torso and push your hips back, bending your knees until your thighs pass parallel to the floor (B). Stand back up to the start position. Once you can no longer control its descent over 2-3 seconds, the set is over.

B. 20-Minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

B1. Sandbag-to-shoulder x 5

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unknown - Hearst Owned

With a sandbag between your feet, bend down and roll it side to side, working your hands underneath. Keeping your back straight (A), lift the bag from the floor and rest it on your thighs. Now, pull it close to your torso and stand up explosively. Use the momentum to pull the ball up onto one shoulder (B). Alternate shoulders each rep.

B2. Sandbag Squat x 10

sandbag squat
Hearst - Hearst Owned

After your fifth rep pick the bag up a sixth time, ‘hug’ the bag as tightly as possible before standing upright (A). Holding the bag ‘bear hug’ style, squat down until the crease of your hip passes your knee (B) before returning to standing. Maintain an upright posture and tight squeeze on the bag throughout.

B3. Sandbag Bear Hug Carry x 20m

shoulder, standing, arm, muscle, joint, leg, exercise equipment, human leg, abdomen, physical fitness,
Hearst Owned

10 squats despatched, quickly move into a fast carry, keeping the bag tight to your torso, focussing on you breathing and covering 20m as quickly as possible. If you have to drop the bag, simply get your composure and (literally) pick-up where you left off.

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