How to Spot the Signs and Symptoms of Exhaustion

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Are You Exhausted? Here's How to TellNicola Katie - Getty Images

Are you constantly exhausted? Think about that question for a second. Do you find yourself forever tapping away at the snooze button? Come 10am, are you struggling to focus? Just how many cups of coffee are you drinking a day?

You might not think it, everyone gets tired from time to time, but you may actually be suffering from exhaustion and you're simply failing to spot the signs and symptoms.

Don't worry, you are not alone. According to a new YouGov survey, one in eight UK adults feel tired all the time, 25% feel tired 'most of the time', and a third reported feeling wearing around 'half the time.'

Dig a little deeper, and the stats are even more startling. After analysing the latest data from studies and surveys, found that almost 88% of UK employees have experienced burnout in the last two years.

It's not pretty reading, but the good news is that you can start taking steps to fight back against bleary eyes right away.

What is Exhaustion?

We all tend to use common words that describe tiredness interchangeably, but from a doctor’s viewpoint, there’s a stark difference between them. “From a medical perspective, exhaustion, fatigue and sleepiness are three distinctly different concepts,” explains Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, a consultant at London Sleep Centre.

Exhaustion, he says, implies physical depletion after exercise or physical exertion, while fatigue “refers to either mental tiredness – for example, studying for examinations – or physical, such as training for a marathon.” If you are truly exhausted, let’s face it, you’re probably too worn out to care whether you’re using the correct terminology anyway.

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There are a number of reasons exhaustion could strike. An underlying medical condition for example; symptoms of certain illnesses such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, or an over- or under-active thyroid can also result in extreme fatigue. More commonly, prolonged physical or mental stress can cause exhaustion – for example over-training, moving house, or racking up too much overtime in the office.

“In the busy world we live in, we work hard, play hard, train hard, we are always switched on and always on the go,” explains Dr Dane Vishnubala, chief medical advisor at Active IQ. “This can lead to high stress and exhaustion if not managed and balanced.”

Symptoms of Exhaustion

While ultimately there is no exact definition for exhaustion, there are certain characteristics that set it apart from familiar, comforting, ready-for-bed sleepiness. Your brain is foggy, your body is sluggish, and you feel completely wiped out – even at 9am.

“It’s that feeling of being tired all the time, just never having the energy,” says Dr Vishnubala. “You want to rest more and basic tasks make you feel even more tired. It’s persistent and not something that just feels better after one sleep.”

The symptoms of exhaustion are listed below – these differentiate from regular tiredness:

  • You’re struggling to concentrate at work

  • You feel seriously stressed out almost 24/7

  • You can’t wait to go to bed, but when you get there, you can’t sleep

  • Your lips are cracked, scaly and dry

  • You’ve been skipping the gym in favour of the snooze button, and when you do make it down there, you’re a shadow of your usual self

  • You can’t shake a cough or cold

  • You’re short of breath, even when you’re just sitting down

  • Healthy eating has gone out the window – balanced meal prep has turned into baguettes, crisps and chocolate bars

  • You’re on an emotional rollercoaster: irritable one minute, woozy the next

These symptoms, over a period of time, will have a cumulative effect – unsurprisingly, there’s only so long your body can take a battering at this level – and will result in exhaustion and maybe other conditions.

How Exhaustion Can Lead to Other Conditions

Mentally and physically everyone has a different breaking point – but over time, the ill-effects can lead to a range of health conditions, says Dr Vishnubala. 'Chronic stress contributes towards a process known as systemic inflammation which, when high, can lead to many diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancer if left unchecked,' he explains.

There are also mental implications. 'Emotional exhaustion can lead to depression and anxiety,' explains Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient, adding that exhaustion may cause your decision-making abilities to become impaired. 'Your risk of injury and accidents at home, work and on the road increases.'

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There are also catastrophic implications for your mirror muscles. If you feel completely spent before a single rep, alarm bells should sound. 'When you experience fatigue, the force behind your muscle's movements decrease, causing you to feel weaker,' explains Dr Thornber. Not only will you be unable to exercise for the same intensity and duration, your recovery process will take a battering too.

'If the exhaustion is due to physical or mental stress, it may play havoc with your circadian rhythm which would have a detrimental effect on your sleep – particularly your ability to get into a deep sleep,' explains Dr Vishnubala. 'This, in turn, can lead to higher levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which are known to reduce the body’s ability to build muscle.'

Natural Remedies for Exhaustion

If you’ve been feeling seriously exhausted for some time, it’s worth ruling out any underlying medical issues, since symptoms could be related to a range of other medical concerns, “from thyroid problems, diabetes and anaemia to mental health issues and even cancer,” explains Dr Vishnubala. “If there are no obvious causes or triggers, or you are having any other symptoms, then see your GP.”

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However, if you regularly worship at the altar of work-hard-play-hard and think your lifestyle is likely to blame, there are a few things you can do to banish exhaustion and get back on top, as Dr Vishnubala explains.

Prioritise sleep

It sounds almost too obvious, but getting a full eight hours (at least) is critical here. Swerve alcohol, ditch caffeine past 2pm, and avoid using phones, TVs and other sources of shiny blue light an hour or two before bed. Hone your bedtime routine and stick to it.

Review stressors

It's time to be honest with yourself. Are you overtraining or working too much? Do you take enough rest days, have you been checking emails on weekends? Control the controllables. Talk to friends and family. Figure out what is causing you stress and what you can change. What are you doing now that could be delegated or done differently? These are all questions worth asking.

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Jill Giardino - Getty Images

Consider nutrition

Whether you’re Paleo, vegan, gluten-free or just fussy AF, focus on foods that sustain you and release energy slowly. Fill your plate with lean protein – eggs, fish, chicken – green vegetables and complex, slow-release carbohydrates like brown rice, sweet potato and lentils. Avoid sugary foods like cakes and biscuits. They'll only send your blood sugar levels soaring before an inevitable crash.

Take a deep breath

Deep breathing, mindfulness and meditation can all help to clear your mind and de-stress. If you decide to use an app like Calm or Headspace to get some zen later in the day, remember to set your phone to ‘night mode’ and filter out that sleep-sabotaging blue light.

Supp up

Nailed the above consistently and still feel as though you’re struggling? Vitamin B Complex is essential for energy production, so make sure your levels are topped up. Ginseng can help to fight fatigue and improve endurance.

And one more thing... exercise can help, but leave your HIIT sessions until you're refreshed and focus on low-impact activities like walking, cycling and yoga. Physical activity will increase your energy levels through many different means, explains Dr Thornber, but go too hard and it'll have the opposite effect.

“Regular physical activity increases the blood flow to your body and improves your cardiovascular health and fitness,” he says. “This will allow more blood and oxygen to get to the body providing energy to do work. Just take it easy and don’t over exert yourself. Listen to your body.”

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