19 Signs That You're In The Deep South, According To Southerners

19 Signs That You're In The Deep South, According To Southerners

If you've ever spent time in the southern US — especially the Deep South — you know that it's practically a whole different country compared to the northern states. So when u/iwanttheworldnow asked the AskReddit community, "How can you tell you’re entering the Deep South in the US?" people had a lot of suggestions.

A serene path lined with large, arching trees draped in Spanish moss, creating a natural tunnel. The article categorizes this image as Internet Finds
Owaki / Getty Images

Some were stereotypical, some were surprising... Here are the most-upvoted ones:

1."A sign that says HOT Boiled Peanuts."

A pot of boiling peanuts with a metal ladle scooping a few peanuts out
Birdlkportfolio / Getty Images

2."Every convenience store clerk wants you to have a blessed day."


3."Yelp’s highest rated restaurant in the county is a grill/biscuit spot inside a gas station."


"Best food you'll ever eat, half the time. The other half, well..."


4."Waffle Houses start being at every exit."


5."There will be billboards for Jesus next to billboards for strip clubs."

Billboard near an "Adult Video" store displays an image of Jesus with the text "JESUS IS WATCHING YOU"
Walter Lockwood / Getty Images

6."I am from New Orleans, and was [driving back there from Boston] with minimal stops. At another random rest area, I got out of the car to walk my dog, and the first person I saw gave me a nod and said, 'How’s it going?' I hadn’t been spoken to by a stranger on the street in months. It was jarring. That was how I realized I was back in the South."


7."The harder people are to understand, the deeper yer' gettin!"


8."Drove down to Georgia to visit my sister; we stopped on the way, and I saw a sign in a window that said 'Fried Bologna is Back!'"


9."Grits are on the menu in restaurants."

A close-up of a shrimp and grits dish, featuring plump shrimp, crispy bacon bits, and garnished with fresh herbs
Lauripatterson / Getty Images

10."Suddenly Buc-ee's, Zaxby's, and Waffle House signs are everywhere, and there are 'Are you injured?' lawyer billboards every 20 feet on the highway."


11."Biscuits instead of toast with breakfast, biscuits instead of dinner rolls with supper."


12."My grandmother (south Alabama) would write 'sweet milk' on her grocery list. This meant regular milk instead of buttermilk."


13."When you order iced tea, nobody asks if you want sweetened or unsweetened."

Close-up of several glasses filled with iced tea, each with a straw
Fajrul Islam / Getty Images

14."You’ll hear a lot of sir and ma’am and please and thank you."


15."If you were to throw a pebble in any direction, it'll hit a church. If it bounces off, it'll hit a Waffle House."


16."Gas stations in the middle of nowhere with signs saying they'll skin the deer you just shot for you."


17."The fastest way to get to a location with a GPS is going down a 50-year-old two-lane with no road markings, with nothing but forest and the occasional mobile home on the side."


18."When you tune into local radio stations and there's one talking NFL, another talking college football. And a third talking high school football. And it's March."


And finally:

19."The f****** humidity."

A man wipes sweat from his forehead with a towel, a basketball hoop is visible in the background
Antonio Hugo Photo / Getty Images