Is the solar eclipse to blame for your weird period this month?

Will our hormones never rest? [Photo: Pexels]
Will our hormones never rest? [Photo: Pexels]

Women’s periods have been associated with the moon for years because they follow a remarkably similar cycle.

The idea being that, just like the changing of the tides, your menstrual cycle is linked to the moon’s constant cycle with the former being 28 days long on average and the latter 29.5.

And during a solar eclipse, a new moon cycle begins.

Which is why many women whose periods have been a little out-of-the-ordinary recently are suspecting that the recent eclipse could have something to do with it.

After all, your menstrual cycle has four phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. And some consider the moon to have four too; the new moon, waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon.

“According to the metaphysical tradition, the new moon cycle, which is what the solar eclipse is, is the perfect time for the woman to begin menstruation,” Astrologer and founder of Queer Cosmos, Colin Bedell, told Marie Claire US.

Some women have noted their periods being a bit off recently [Photo: Pexels]
Some women have noted their periods being a bit off recently [Photo: Pexels]

“Women are going to feel the urge to clean house – that’s what the hormones are doing. It’s a total release.

“There’s clearly something happening with the moon and there’s clearly something happening with women’s menstrual cycles.”

If you’ve had particularly irritating PMS symptoms or an out-of-character cycle this month, could the eclipse be the cause?

It’s an interesting idea but, if in doubt, definitely consult your GP first instead of a telescope.

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