What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar?
Russell Brand. Mel Gibson. Frank Bruno. Kanye West. Mariah Carey. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Stephen Fry. Benga. Just a few of the famous names who have opened up about their battle with bipolar disorder. Despite being relatively common – one in every 100 people will be diagnosed at some point in their life – the disease is subject to severe stigma. Sufferers are portrayed as deranged and dangerous, which makes living with bipolar incredibly isolating.
In the UK it takes 10 and a half years on average for someone with bipolar to receive the correct diagnosis, according to national charity BipolarUK. Sufferers tend to be misdiagnosed around three and a half times, since the signs and symptoms are similar to ADHD, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders. Bipolar increases the risk of suicide by 20 times, so misdiagnosis can be fatal.
It isn’t uncommon for people with bipolar disorder to have other mental health issues such as substance abuse or an eating disorder. On top of medical misinterpretation, mental ill health and the shame associated with stigma, people with bipolar disorder are also at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes and other physical illnesses. It’s an uphill struggle.
What is Bipolar?
People living with bipolar disorder experience mood swings that range from periods of elation, described as mania, to severe depression, explains Dr Mark Winwood, clinical director of psychological health at AXA PPP Healthcare. Referred to as ‘episodes’ or ‘mood episodes’, these periods are completely different to the moods and behaviours that a person typically exhibits, and are characterised by extreme changes in energy, activity and sleep.
“Some people only have a couple of bipolar episodes in their lifetime and are stable in between, while others have many episodes,” Dr Winwood continues. “The frequency and duration of the episodes can vary greatly from one person to the next.” A number of things can trigger an episode, including “extreme stress, overwhelming problems, life-changing events, and genetic and chemical factors”. These highs and lows are punctuated by feelings of stability, he adds.
Manic episodes: feeling ‘high’
Mania often severely impacts day-to-day life – severe mania may even require hospital treatment. Mania can last for a week or more, although left untreated it could last up to six months. During a manic episode, you may typically feel euphoric, upbeat, wired, energetic, agitated, irritable, uncontrollably talkative and distracted, with racing thoughts, increased activity, trouble sleeping, and an exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence. You’re more likely to make poor decisions such as spending money excessively, losing social inhibitions or taking risks, and may also experience hallucinations or delusions of grandeur; you may feel as though you’re untouchable or can't be harmed, and can perform physical and mental tasks better than normal.
Hypomanic episodes: feeling ‘high’
Hypomania is similar to mania. There are changes in your mood and behaviour, they’re less intense and feels more manageable, with no psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. It also may not last as long as a manic episode. During a hypomanic episode, you might feel happy, euphoric, excitable, irritable, agitated, easily distracted, confident and adventurous, with racing thoughts, trouble concentrating, increased activity, trouble sleeping and an increased sex drive. Again, you’re more likely to make poor decisions – spending money excessively, losing social inhibitions or taking risks.
Depressive episodes: feeling ‘low’
Sometimes a depressive episode can feel harder to deal with than manic or hypomanic episodes, due to the stark contrast between high and low moods. During a depressive episode you may feel upset, tearful, worried, empty, hopeless, tired, numb, drained, guilty, tense, agitated, and may find it hard to focus or find enjoyment in things. You may lack confidence, suffer from low self-esteem or self-loathing, and have trouble sleeping – either too little, or too much. You may become withdrawn, avoid physical activity and misuse drugs or alcohol. At its most severe, you may self-harm or attempt suicide.
Mixed episodes: feeling ‘high’ and ‘low’ at the same time
Also called ‘mixed states’ these episodes refer to when someone experiences different symptoms of depression, mania or hypomania either at the same time or in quick succession. They can be unpredictable and challenging to cope with. You may be more likely to act on suicidal thoughts and feelings.
There are four different types of bipolar disorder, and these are characterised by how many episodes of depression, hypomania or mania a person has experienced in a given time, advises Dr Abdullah Albeyatti, NHS GP and co-founder of Medicalchain. While the severity of symptoms differs between each type – and often each person – all are seriously detrimental to their quality of life.
“Bipolar can be a crippling condition where the person lives in constant fear of relapse, leading to a depressive, hypomanic or manic episode and weeks of instability and poor decision-making,” Dr Albeyatti continues. “This can be in the form of gambling, loss of sexual inhibition, aggression and being generally unreliable.”
A milder, more chronic form of bipolar disorder characterised by lengthy low and high mood swings which are not as severe as major depressive or mania episodes. Also known as cyclothymic disorder. FYI, cyclothymia can develop into bipolar if left untreated.
Bipolar I Disorder
Defined by at least one manic episode that has lasted longer than a week, or manic symptoms that are so severe that the person needs immediate hospital care. Depressive episodes may occur as well, typically lasting at least two weeks. It’s also possible to experience mixed episodes.
Bipolar II Disorder
Defined by at least one episode of severe depression with symptoms of hypomania i.e. mania that is less severe or intense and does not normally require hospital care.
Rapid-cycling Bipolar Disorder
Four or more episodes of major depression, hypomania, mania, or mixed states within a 12-month period.
What Causes Bipolar?
Scientists are still working it out. Research has suggested there may be a genetic element to bipolar disorder – it tends to run in families – but studies of identical twins have shown that even if one develops the disorder, the other may not, despite sharing the same genes. Whether it’s down to differences in brain structure, chemical imbalances or hormonal issues, there are other elements at play.
It’s possible that people who are genetically predisposed to bipolar may not experience symptoms until environmental factors – a distressing life event, for example – triggers a sharp emotional change. Generally, the first episode of bipolar disorder usually occurs before the age of 30 years of age.
How Is Bipolar Diagnosed?
Bipolar disorder is diagnosed by a psychiatrist, who will spend “several hours with the patient to understand what past and recent events they have been through and what effect this has had on their mental health,” advises Dr Albeyatti. There are two key routes to referral: via a GP, would have noted episodes of depression, hypomania and mania in their medical history, or through the emergency services or a psychiatric ward after being admitted or sectioned.
The psychiatrist would make a formal diagnosis of bipolar disorder and discuss a treatment plan with them – often a combination of counselling and medication, “usually antipsychotics and mood stabilisers,” explains Dr Albeyatti. “Successful treatment is when the person does not relapse and manages to control their condition using the plan set by their psychiatrist and managed by their GP.”
Early assessment means early diagnosis, better management of the condition, and, hopefully, reduced risk of relapses in the future. “Unfortunately bipolar disorder is a chronic, lifelong illness, with an estimated average of 10 episodes experienced in a person's lifetime,” he continues. “The risk of recurrence in the 12 months after an episode is especially high compared with other psychiatric disorders – 50 per cent at one year and 75 per cent at four years.”
If you suspect you or someone you know is suffering with the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder, make an appointment with your GP. An assessment is important to establish whether they are safe or not, Dr Albeyatti explains. “There is always a risk that someone with uncontrolled bipolar can go on to self harm, attempt suicide or hurt another person,” he says. The GP will decide if they should be referred to a psychiatrist for an in-depth assessment or whether something more urgent is required.
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