The shocking true story behind new film 'Women Talking'

wt07885 07899rcc5l r michelle mcleod stars as mejal, sheila mccarthy as greta,liv mcneil as neitje, jessie buckley as mariche, claire foy as salome, kate hallett as autje, rooney mara as ona and judith ivey as agata in director sarah polley’s film,women talkingan orion pictures releasephoto credit michael gibson© 2022 orion releasing llc all rights reserved
Women Talking: the shocking true storyMichael Gibson

Out this month, the extraordinary and star-studded film Women Talking has already attracted a huge amount of awards buzz – not least as one of the 10 nominees for best picture at the 2023 Oscars.

Starring Frances McDormand, Claire Foy, Jessie Buckley and Rooney Mara, the premise of Women Talking is deceivingly simple; a group of women from a fictitious Mennonite community sit in a barn and, as the title would suggest, talk. But the decision this all-female gathering has to make is far from simple. Should they stay and support the men in their community, or leave? The men in question have been systematically and violently sexually abusing them for years.

It is an extraordinary plot made even more remarkable by the fact it is based on a true story.

Mennonite Communities

Women Talking takes place in the world of an ultra-conservative Mennonite Community.

Conservative Mennonite Communities are much like the Amish in their eschewing of modern life. The most radical among them live lives that would not look so dissimilar to that of a 19th century community. Traditional gender roles are strictly adhered to and often listening to music or possessing a mobile phone can be punishable by excommunication.

Mennonites are a Christian church famed for their strict Protestantism and pacifism. The most extreme are known as ‘Old Colonists’, who believe that only living the simple life of their ancestors – using ploughs, oxen and rejecting electricity and other modern advances – will secure their place in heaven. Bolivia is home to more than 60,000 ‘Old Colonists.’ One of these communities, the Manitoba Colony, would become infamous.

wt08325r l r jessie buckley stars as mariche, kate hallett as autje, michelle mcleod as mejal, liv mcneil as neitje, rooney mara as ona, claire foy as salome, sheila mccarthy as greta, and judith ivey as agata in director sarah polley’s filmwomen talkingan orion pictures releasephoto credit michael gibson© 2022 orion releasing llc all rights reserved
Women TalkingMichael Gibson

The incidents of Manitoba Colony

They became known as the ‘ghost rapes’ of Bolivia – a terrifying description of an even more horrific reality. Back in 2005, in the ultra-conservative Mennonite community of Manitoba Colony, women, girls (and allegedly several men and boys) began waking up in the morning with ripped clothes, pounding headaches and consuming lethargy, bloodstained and often covered in semen and bruises. Some had flashes of memory of men standing over them, or of being dragged outside. Some still had ropes tied around their legs and wrists.

Due to the deeply religious nature of the communities, most were afraid to speak out, and kept these stories to themselves over a period of four years. Instead, many felt these were spiritual attacks by ghosts or, most fearful of all, the devil himself. Not wanting others to know, it remained secret. When women did begin to speak out, they were dismissed as liars and it was proclaimed that the rapes were the product of “wild female imagination”.

wt08399r l r emily mitchell stars as miep, claire foy as salome and rooney mara as ona in director sarah polley’s filmwomen talkingan orion pictures releasephoto credit michael gibson© 2022 orion releasing llc all rights reserved
Women TalkingMichael Gibson

But that all changed in 2009 when two men were caught breaking into one house within the community. They confessed, implicating several other men. In their confessions, the men admitted to conducting these heinous nightly crimes for more than four years; their victims totalled over 300 (though more are suspected) and were aged from as young as three up to 65. It was revealed that they used a chemical spray created to anaesthetise cattle. The narcotic spray would incapacitate the victims, and would partially obliterate their short-term memory. It is little wonder many felt these attacks were supernatural in nature.

Eventually, eight of the Mennonite men would be convicted, sentenced to 25 years in jail each.

The book

The direct source material for Women Talking is a 2018 novel of the same name, by Canadian author Miriam Toews. Toews – inspired by the story of the Manitoba Colony – described her book as an “imagined response to real events”. The novel was a shortlisted finalist for the Governor General’s Award in 2018 and for the 2019 Trillium Book Award.

Toews was drawn to the horrors of the tale not merely as a novelist, but because she herself was raised in a Mennonite community, in Steinbach, Canada. She fled her home – one that was traditional but not closed off from the outside world like the Bolivian community – aged 18. She lived in London and Montreal, eventually settling in Toronto. When she first heard of the story of Manitoba, she was haunted by it. “I felt an obligation, a need, to write about these women,” she told The Guardian. “I could easily have been one of them.”

Speaking with The New York Times, Toews dedicated it to women in such communities, criticising the deeply embedded misogyny in some of the more fundamental factions. "I felt I had an obligation to write down hope for change for Mennonite girls and women," Toews said. "I hope the patriarchy and the misogyny inherent in the fundamentalism that conservative Mennonites preach, one day will change."

wt07885 07899rcc5l r michelle mcleod stars as mejal, sheila mccarthy as greta,liv mcneil as neitje, jessie buckley as mariche, claire foy as salome, kate hallett as autje, rooney mara as ona and judith ivey as agata in director sarah polley’s film,women talkingan orion pictures releasephoto credit michael gibson© 2022 orion releasing llc all rights reserved
Women TalkingMichael Gibson

The legacy

Now that Toews' book has been adapted for the screen, attracting swathes of publicity from its starry cast and brilliant early reviews, the story behind it is once again attracting attention. Though the events took place more than 14 years ago, this is far from a stagnant news story. In fact, there remains a strong wave of support within many Mennonite communities to free the incarcerated men.

Manuel Baptists, sentencing judge for the district of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, where Manitoba Colony resides, told the BBC in 2019 that he was increasingly receiving messages from people advocating on behalf of the men. "Some of those who've come here have mentioned that many of the girls who're now adults are willing to testify in favour of the men" he said.

Conspiracy theories abound, with some claiming the men were set up as fall men for familial abuse and incest within the communities, or merely scapegoated for being unpopular – with the colony paying off the Bolivian judiciary. Though many abhor what occurred, and have fought against any notion of freeing the men, there is still yet a more simplistic reaction to the attacks, with several members of these communities also telling the BBC that the men had confessed and thus should – according to the strict moral mores of the Mennonites – be forgiven and welcomed back.

More worryingly still, a seminal Vice report of 2013, from within Manitoba Colony, featured many women anonymously reporting that similar rapes were tragically still taking place. The release of Women Talking may, perhaps, get many more people talking.

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