"She’s Done This Her Whole Life": People Are Revealing The Weirdest Thing Their Girlfriend Does In Secret, And I Wasn't Expecting These Unhinged Habits

If you have a significant other, you may get a first-person perspective on all the weird habits they have. So when Reddit user u/mika_murr asked: "What is the weirdest thing your girlfriend does?" so many people provided their stories. Here are some of the top answers below.

1."My girlfriend talks to inanimate objects like they’re her roommates. She’ll say things like, 'Come on, toaster, I know you can do it,' or 'Why are you hiding from me, keys?' It’s both adorable and slightly concerning. But hey, at least she’s polite to them!"

Woman smiling while tending to indoor plants, sitting cross-legged in a bright room, surrounded by various potted greenery

2."Sleepwalks. Sometimes she even starts doing chores in her sleep like folding laundry. She’s not very good at it but A+ for effort."


3."My wife drowns everything in hot sauce, even things that you wouldn't normally think of adding hot sauce to, like plums."

A woman outdoors at a picnic table, smiling while pouring hot sauce on rolled flatbread

4."Once upon a time, my wife was a bartender. So whenever she cooks, she leaves every single freakin bottle on the counter uncapped, as if someone’s going to come into the kitchen and order a shot of Worcestershire sauce."


5."Sometimes she'll struggle to express herself using words and just start flailing her arms around while thinking for a few seconds... I find it so adorable."

Person sitting on a chair with a laptop, arms raised triumphantly, expressing excitement and joy

6."Biting me everywhere out of nowhere."


"Sometimes a kiss is not enough to show affection."


7."She rips open packaging like a coked-up raccoon."

A crushed cardboard box labeled "FRAGILE" with pink bubble wrap emerging from it
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

8."She cannot close anything. Ever. The toothpaste's cap is always left off. Screen doors are always left open. Shed doors are always open. Bread is always open on the counter. Cereal is always open on the counter, too. I've had to throw away so many open bags of food used once because they went stale before I found them."


9."No matter what, my wife eats burgers upsidedown. You know that sesame seed part at the top? Yeah, it's always facing the bottom. She grabs it and unwraps it normal, but somehow, she ALWAYS finds a way to put it upside down. I've even watched her process, I fucking blinked and it flipped over, I swear on everything."

A person smiles while eating a burger at an outdoor table. A cutting board with potatoes is in front of them
Srdjanpav / Getty Images

10."Smells my armpit randomly."


11."My wife sleeps with one sock on and one sock off. She says it regulates her body temperature. She’s always done it."

Two knit socks lying on a wooden floor

12."She perpetually has the national anthem stuck in her head for some reason, so without warning, she’ll just start singing: 'OH SAY CAN YOU SEE.'"


13."My wife makes tea, barely takes a sip, and leaves it untouched. There are always about five to eight cold teas around the house at any given time. I try to pick them up when I can, but she seems to forget about them faster than I can spot them."

A clear glass mug of steaming tea with a tea bag on a sunlit wooden surface

14."When she's sad or having a bad day, she asks me to 'cheer her up.' To do this, you need to hug her and quickly lift her up. It always makes her smile, and she makes the cutest sounds. Sometimes I stop too early and she politely asks for more. She is 21 years old, and I will always be there to support her when she needs it most."


15."She waves at dogs, not like a little howdy, but like a full-on manic waving. So, of course, dog owners think she is waving at them because who waves at dogs? This leads to awkwardness as some men think she is flirting, and some women think that she thinks she knows them — but really, she just loves dogs."

A person in a t-shirt holds a small dog with a bow
Galina Zhigalova / Getty Images

16."She eats a banana like a maniac by peeling the whole thing, then holding the unpeeled banana and breaking off pieces of it like it’s a candy bar and eating it. I thought maybe this was some trauma/preemptive response to guys staring or sexually harassing her as she ate a banana in the past. That I would get. But no, she said she’s done this her whole life."


17."Takes crackers into the shower with her and eats them once they get all wet and soggy."

Stack of graham crackers partially out of a plastic bag on a light surface

18."She calls my boxers panties. She would also not take a shit in my apt. She’d say she was going to the store to get a Coke or something and use the bathroom there."


19."My wife 'drinks' from her toothbrush. When she’s done brushing, she rinses her brush and sucks the leftover water out of it, dips it back in, and repeats til she has enough to swish and spit. It’s so weird to me."

Toothbrush in a glass on a bathroom sink next to copper faucet taps
Oscar Wong / Getty Images

Does your girlfriend (or wife!) have an incredibly weird habit that you would like to share with the world? Tell us what she does in the comments below.