Shake Up Leg Day With This Simple But Brutal 30-Minute Lunge Challenge

Two individuals performing strength training exercises with weights in a gym setting
How Far Can You Lunge Under Load in 30 Minutes? MoMo Productions

This leg day workout is incredibly simple, so we’ll keep the intro brief.

The one thing this workout isn’t, however, is easy. It’s going to take a serious amount of grit to keep it moving when your quads, hamstrings and glutes are screaming at you to stop, your forearms are burning and the rest of your body is begging you not to pick the dumbbells back up again once you do drop them. And with just one movement to worry about, you’ve got nowhere to hide.

AMRAP Walking Lunge Challenge

Thirty minutes on the clock. Your goal: clock up as much distance as possible performing walking lunges with a weight equivalent to half of your bodyweight.

We told you it was simple.

You can grab a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells (each equal to around 25 per cent your bodyweight), load up a barbell, or grab an odd object such as a sandbag or d-ball. You can also hold and carry your weight anyway you like, and change grips/holds throughout. Your only goal is to lunge as far as possible – using short lengths or laps of the gym if necessary – carrying half your weight.

Rest as necessary to keep your form sharp and keep yourself safe, but push each set as close to failure as possible if you want to see muscle-building results.

Make a note of your finishing distance and aim to beat this on your next attempt to elicit progressive overload and add strength and size.

How to Check Your Form

With any luck, you're going to be performing a LOT of reps here, but in order to make this workout pay-0ff, you need to pay attention to your form on each and every one of those reps.

Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides or in the front rack position. Alternatively hold a barbell in the front rack, zercher or back rack position, or hold an odd object such as a sandbag or d-ball . Keeping your chest up at all times, step forwards with one leg and bend your front knee until the back knee touches the floor. Stand up, pause and repeat with the other leg.

You don't need to stop and pause at the top of each rep if you can 'step straight through' into the next rep, but control your descent on each rep, ensuring your knees aren't taking an impact as they touch the ground.

walking lunges
Phil Haynes - Hearst Owned

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