Samuel L. Jackson defends Brie Larson over hate from toxic Marvel fans

Samuel L. Jackson has defended his Marvel co-star Brie Larson over the hate she has received online from a toxic section of the fanbase.

While speaking to Rolling Stone for an interview, the Avengers star addressed comments he'd seen online regarding his Captain Marvel, Kong: Skull Island, and Unicorn Store co-star.

"We bonded through the election while we were doing her movie (Unicorn Store) when Donald Trump won. She was broken and I was like, 'Don't let 'em break you. You have to be strong now,'" Samuel recalled. "Then, when she got Captain Marvel, she called me and was like, 'They want me in the Marvel Universe. Should I do it?' And I was like, 'Hell yeah! Let's do it!'"

Brie was cast as Carol Danvers in the 2019 film, Captain Marvel, and she received backlash from toxic Marvel fans who took issue with her starring in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first female-led movie.

Addressing the backlash, Jackson said, "She's not going to let any of that stuff destroy her. These incel dudes who hate strong women, or the fact that she's a feminist who has an opinion and expressed it? Everybody wants people to be who they want them to be. She is who she is, and she's genuinely that."

Jackson and Larson will be seen onscreen together again in The Marvels, which will be released in cinemas in November.