Sales assistant who piled on the pounds after she started clubbing at 18 is finally the ‘person she was meant to be’ after losing 5st

A 17st 1lb sales assistant who piled on the pounds after she started clubbing and stopped exercising when she turned 18 is finally a happy healthy adult and the person she was “meant to be” after shedding an incredible five stone.

When Kerstin Stewart, now 27, left school and started her first full-time job she revelled in her newfound freedom – and barely noticed that driving everywhere, enjoying boozy nights out with her mates, and never doing any sport was affecting her weight.

Eventually, she was a dress size 20 and, at 5ft 5in, had a BMI of 39.8 – classifying her as obese – but though her increasing size was on her mind, she did nothing about it until joining a Slimming World class in January 2018.

Kerstin at Warner Bros’ Harry Potter Studios (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin at Warner Bros’ Harry Potter Studios (Collect/PA Real Life)

Now transformed into a keen swimmer who takes to the pool three times a week, Kerstin, who lives in Paignton, Devon, reached her 12st target weight this summer, celebrating with her favourite ‘fakeaway’ – a Slimming World burger and chips with 5% fat mince – and a spot of paddle boarding.

Kerstin, who is single, said: “When I hit my target, I cried. I couldn’t believe it.

“I am so much happier now and I feel like I have become the person I was meant to be.”

Kerstin said she feels ‘happier than ever’ now (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin said she feels ‘happier than ever’ now (Collect/PA Real Life)

She added: “Life used to seem so dull and black and white. But now, life is more colourful. I feel like I’m more me.”

While Kerstin said she had always been on ‘the bigger side’, it was only when she turned 18 that her weight became a problem.

She said: “I used to play netball and rounders at school but once I left, and went into full-time work, I basically became inactive.

Kerstin in New York in 2016 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin in New York in 2016 (Collect/PA Real Life)

“I started driving and stopped walking anywhere, and going out at the weekends, and the weight just started piling on.

“I would do the stereotypical drinking all night, then go to the fast-food places  and go home.”

But even at home, Kerstin realised her meals were not always the healthiest.

Kerstin on holiday in Australia in 2018 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin on holiday in Australia in 2018 (Collect/PA Real Life)

She said: “I used to cook with oil and full fat meat or cream, or use jars of sauces which have lots of sugar and salt.

“My weight was always on my mind, but I knew that deep down, I wasn’t ready to do anything about it yet.”

In January 2018, that all changed.

Kerstin in New York in 2016 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin in New York in 2016 (Collect/PA Real Life)

She said: “I bumped into a friend on Christmas Eve who had lost a lot of weight and told me all about Slimming World.

“January is a bit of a boring month anyway, so I thought: ‘Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that can happen?'”

Heading to weekly sessions with Slimming World every Thursday, Kerstin quickly noticed a difference.

Kerstin on holiday in Australia in 2018 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin on holiday in Australia in 2018 (Collect/PA Real Life)

She said: “I lost four pounds in my first week and a stone in the first three months.

“It was amazing and gave me that self-belief to know I could do it.

“I loved that you weren’t restricted on what you can eat and the group was so fun.”

Kerstin on holiday in Australia in 2018 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin on holiday in Australia in 2018 (Collect/PA Real Life)

Even Kerstin’s five-week holiday to Australia in March 2018 didn’t hold her back.

She said: “I didn’t restrict myself on holiday, I enjoyed myself. But as soon as I got back, I went back on the plan and lost all the holiday weight within a week or two.”

Through making simple swaps, by January 2020, Kerstin had dropped to 14st.

Kerstin at an Abba night in 2021 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin at an Abba night in 2021 (Collect/PA Real Life)

“It was more about the way I was cooking than what I was eating,” she said of her weight loss.

“So I swapped oil to Frylight, which is a lighter cooking oil alternative, and changed my full fat meat to lean meat, and cut off the fat.

“Then I swapped jars of sauce for tinned tomatoes and just packed my meals full of vegetables.”

Kerstin at ‘Mamma Mia! The Party’ in London in 2021 (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin at ‘Mamma Mia! The Party’ in London in 2021 (Collect/PA Real Life)

And Kerstin could still enjoy weekends with friends.

She said: “I drank spirits instead of cider, and exchanged the fast-food with Iceland Slimming World frozen microwave meals.

“I instantly felt healthier, my mood was better and even my skin improved.”

Kerstin said she feels ‘more herself’ since hitting 12st (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin said she feels ‘more herself’ since hitting 12st (Collect/PA Real Life)

Lockdown helped Kerstin slim further.

She said: “Everything was cancelled, so I was in full control of what I was eating.

“I never ordered any takeaways and cooked everything myself.”

Kerstin enjoying Zante during this summer (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin enjoying Zante during this summer (Collect/PA Real Life)

And, in December, 2020, she started going regularly to her local pool.

“I started swimming with my sister every week and realised how much I enjoyed it.

“I loved it and was swimming three times a week.”

Kerstin feeling good in a summer dress in Zante this year (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin feeling good in a summer dress in Zante this year (Collect/PA Real Life)

Kerstin even challenged herself to a charity swim from March to June this year.

She said: “I signed up the Diabetes UK challenge to swim 22 miles in 12 weeks and it was amazing.”

And in June this year, Kerstin finally hit her target weight.

Kerstin enjoyed paddle boarding this summer (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin enjoyed paddle boarding this summer (Collect/PA Real Life)

“When my consultant said I had hit my target, I couldn’t believe it,” she said.

“I had been dreaming about that day for such a long time.

“It’s the proudest thing I have ever done in my life.”

Kerstin tried paddle boarding in Torbay, Devon, this year (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin tried paddle boarding in Torbay, Devon, this year (Collect/PA Real Life)

Filled with new confidence, Kerstin has got stuck into new activities.

“I tried paddle-boarding this summer in Torbay with family and it was so much fun,” she said.

“I can’t wait to try it again next summer.”

Kerstin won Woman of The Year in her Slimming World group (Collect/PA Real Life)
Kerstin won Woman of The Year in her Slimming World group (Collect/PA Real Life)

And Kerstin hopes she can encourage others too, saying: “I have been on the bigger side for as long as I can remember and I never imagined I could be here.

“As cheesy as it sounds, if I can do it, then anyone can do it.”


Breakfast: Toast spread with butter and jam (ranging from 2-8 slices)

Lunch: Sandwich with shop-bought sandwich filler, crisps and chocolate biscuit

Dinner: Pasta with a jar of pasta sauce, garlic bread

Snacks: Chocolate, crisps

Drinks: Full sugar fizzy pop and squash, cider


Breakfast: Sausage and egg wrap

Lunch: Jacket potato or pasta with salad or leftovers from dinner the night before

Dinner: Fakeaways: Burger and Slimming World chips, homemade thin base pizza, curry made from scratch or one pot wonders like Slimming World’s vegetable jambalaya

Snacks: High fibre bars, low fat crisps, low calorie popcorn, ham, lean chicken, boiled eggs, fat free yogurt, sugar free ice lollies

Drinks: Water, sugar free drinks, vodka and slimline tonic

For more information, visit