Readers' hangover cures: 10 ways to beat the post-booze blues – from Radiohead to rollmop vinegar

Bloody tomatoes on toast

Mix chopped beefsteak tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, celery salt, pepper, some red pesto, Worcestershire sauce, a little sugar, rapeseed oil, a splodge of tomato ketchup and a pinch of chilli flakes, then microwave for about three minutes. Add vodka to taste if you’re not driving anywhere afterwards. Pour the whole lot over buttered sourdough toast, add a sprig of basil and more black pepper. Wolf it down and go back to bed. Nearly always works for me. Kevin Brown, land manager, Essex

A gentle film and soft socks

Drink rehydration salts and stretch, then go for a swim/sauna/massage, if possible – an acceptable replacement during Covid times is an Epsom salt bath, a foam roller and a walk. Lunch should involve eggs, maybe bibimbap or shakshuka. After lunch, watch a gentle film from your youth (such as Home Alone or The Big Lebowski) from a comfy sofa while wearing soft socks, eating salted popcorn and drinking orange squash. Wear a hydrating face mask all day and hug or be hugged, if you can; sometimes a pillow will do. Remember, it will end. Emma Colohan, London

A tuna sandwich

Before hitting the sack, drink at least two pints of warm water. Each pint must have one teaspoon of salt and two dessertspoons of sugar mixed in. Your stomach will be fit to burst – particularly if you’ve scoffed a pizza or burger – but perseverance is key. Afterwards, and still before bed, drink one Alka-Seltzer XS per the instructions. The following morning, have a tuna mayo sandwich for breakfast, washed down with another Alka-Seltzer XS. If you have time, go back to sleep before you’re haunted by memories of the night before. Steve, designer, Manchester

Radiohead and a hot bath

I no longer drink, but my failsafe hangover cure used to be tea with honey, dry toast and a long bath – as hot as you can bear. Then, play Radiohead’s 2001 album Amnesiac quietly, while firmly pinching the pressure point between your thumb and your index finger. It’s important to note that this doesn’t work with anything else from Radiohead’s discography. Christabel Stevens, writer, Angus

Sprats or sardines

Years ago, I worked in a jobcentre and, at the end of a hard week, half of the office would pile into the pub opposite to let off some steam. The next day, I’d crawl out early, down to the local shopping strip, and get some grapefruit (for the vitamin C), as well as either a platter of tiny lamb chops or, preferably, a bag of sprats or sardines. I would grill the latter hot and fast and eat with a petit pain to soak things up. By 10am, I’d feel like a king and be ready to tackle the weekend. Anonymous, civil servant, London

A fried egg

Over the years, I’ve tried everything from milk thistle and turmeric shots to coconut water and large doses of vitamin C, but you just can’t beat fried egg on toast and a pint of water before bed. In the morning, have a glass of full-fat Coke, a couple of ibuprofen and some ready salted crisps. Works every time. Jo Deighton, business consultant, West Sussex


I find the thing that works best is denial. Your hangover is like a bully – it thrives on your attention, so if you ignore it completely it will eventually stop bothering you. Wake up at a normal time, take a shower (try cold water), have a coffee and a healthy breakfast, leave the house and do something virtuous outdoors. Never, not once, not to yourself or to anyone else, admit how utterly horrible you feel inside. If you’re lucky, your hangover will leave you alone before the day is done – and, if not, at least you can feel smug about how much you got done despite it. Matt Cavers, cider maker and copywriter, British Columbia, Canada

Pickled herring juice

I drink what’s left in the rollmops jar: a good sip of vinegar marinated with herring, pepper and onions usually does the trick. I’m not ashamed to admit that, once I’m done with the rollmops, I keep the jars and the precious liquid in the fridge ready for the next emergency. Alternatively, try the vinegar from marinated jalapeños. Hervé Captain, radio DJ and journalist, France

Udon noodles in chicken curry soup

My recipe for udon noodles in chicken curry soup has every element I can think of that remedies hangovers: soup for hydration, tomatoes for lycopene and vitamin C, ginger and hot peppers to help me sweat out the booze, and chicken thighs browned in oil or ghee for some grease to line my stomach. To start, I fry ginger, garlic and cumin in a generous amount of oil, toss in some chicken thighs until browned, then add some coriander, powdered chilli peppers and a large spoonful of turmeric. When the spices start releasing their aroma, I toss in some diced tomatoes and keep frying until the juices are reduced, then add some dashi stock, sake, soy sauce and sugar to nudge the soup closer to Japanese style curry udon. I stew the whole thing while I cook my udon, then combine the soup and noodles in a basin-sized bowl. Sho Ogawa, head brewer, British Columbia, Canada

A dip in the sea

My family is originally from Sligo on the north-west coast of Ireland and, after a night out drinking Guinness with my brothers, the only thing that would shift my hangover would be getting in the north Atlantic. It was like magic. Five or 10 minutes and the hangover was miraculously banished. Fantastic. Joe Callanan, counsellor and DJ, Netherlands


Gazpacho ... back to life.
Gazpacho ... back to life. Photograph: Brent Hofacker/Alamy Stock Photo

So easy to make the day before: take 14 ripe tomatoes, five or six cloves of garlic, two green bell peppers, one red bell pepper, one peeled cucumber, 3 tablespoons of white vinegar, 7 tablespoons ofolive oil, 3 teaspoons ofsalt and as much water as you need for the correct consistency, then bung it all in the blender (you may need to sieve it afterwards). Next, chill as much as possible – and that’s it! It’s the only thing I can face when hungover, and it never fails to bring me back to life. Name supplied, teacher, Bangkok