Quick-thinking three-year-old hailed a 'hero' after she ran for help after mum collapsed

Cara Channer whose three-year-old daugahter Millie-Mae saved her life when she collapsed at home.  (SWNS)
Cara Channer whose three-year-old daughter Millie-Mae saved her life when she collapsed at home. (SWNS)

A lucky mum has hailed her quick-thinking three-year-old daughter a "hero" after she ran to get help when she collapsed unconscious at home.

Cara Channer, 27, was watching television with little Millie-Mae when she stood up and immediately went crashing to the ground after feeling "woozy".

Realising something was seriously wrong she grabbed her mother's phone, ran next door and began slamming on their neighbour's door.

The panicked preschooler then told the woman who answered, "mummy won't wake up", and handed over the phone for her to dial 999, according to Cara.

Cara Channer whose three-year-old daugahter Millie-Mae saved her life when she collapsed at home.  (SWNS)
Millie-Mae ran for her saving her mother's life after she collapsed at home. (SWNS)

She eventually regained consciousness a number of minutes later after paramedics arrived and she was taken to hospital in Sheffield, South Yorks.

Doctors identified she was suffering from gastroenteritis and was severely dehydrated, which is why she fainted and fell.

Cara said: "I got up to get something for one of the children and then I don't remember anything else, it all went black.

"Millie-May ran next door and started banging on the door.

Cara Channer whose three-year-old daugahter Millie-Mae saved her life when she collapsed at home.  (SWNS)
Cara Channer whose three-year-old daughter Millie-Mae saved her life when she collapsed at home. (SWNS)

"She did exactly the right thing, I'm so proud of her.

"She's really switched on for such a young girl.

"Who knows what would have happened if she hadn't acted so quickly?"

Cara had been unwell for a number of days before collapsing at her Sheffield home in February.

She said: "I was taken to hospital where they began doing tests and found that I was suffering from gastroenteritis and was severely dehydrated.

"I live alone with the kids and my condition could have been really serious if I’d just laid there without help.

"I’m so proud of Millie-Mae’s quick-thinking."

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Cara had to stay in hospital overnight while her vitals and hydration levels stabilised.

She says she is still amazed that her daughter, who is now four, knew what to do.

Her one-year-old son Maeson was also in the property at the time and could have come to harm had he remained unattended for a long time, Care said.

She added that her daughter knew what to do in an emergency situation thanks to teachers at her preschool, Stannington Village.

She said: “I think it’s so important that parents and schools work with children to make sure they understand what to do if something happens to a parent when they're home alone with them.

"My story could have ended very differently if it wasn’t for Millie-Mae raising the alarm."