Professional ghost hunter visits hundreds of haunted sites every week and gives lectures on ghost hunting
Meet the professional ghost hunter who investigates haunted sites others are too scared to visit. Beckie-Ann Galentine, 33, first got interested in the paranormal when she saw a floating blue orb while out at night with pals ten years ago. She worked as an undertaker - or mortician - for two years but spent her free evenings and weekends researching spooky stories and ghost hunting. Beckie-Ann - who claims to have seen a "handful" of ghosts or beings in real life - began sharing spooky stories on her TikTok in lockdown. She was soon flooded with requests to investigate haunted homes and creepy businesses and now she's a full time ghost hunter. She picks a story of interest or one suggested by her 685,000 TikTok followers and researches the story using historical facts and newspaper archives. And then verify's the clients concerns or queries regarding the spirits. She camps out in abandoned graveyards, forests, hospitals and hotels to verify if ghosts are there. Savvy Beckie-Ann also lectures on ghost hunting and earns most her money from views she gets to stories she shares on social media - which funds her travels. Beckie-Ann, from Starford, Pennsylvania, US, said: "It's a process and it's not as simple as other senses like sight or sound. "You mull it over and go 'that's what I experienced' and you try to understand it. "Some of my early ghost experiences were misunderstood as fear but now I undertand they were just trying to say hello. "It comes down to challenging your empathy and compassion. "I've had experiences where I just couldn't believe what had happened. It's hard to explain so I don't try to convice sceptics. "It doesn't happen when you're looking for it which contributes to the feeling of misunderstanding. "I've had experiences when I've been asleep. "I was dead asleep one night and I woke up to my bedroom door slamming, full force and I could smell this sour smell. "I had sleep paralysis and I was trying to wake up my partner and I couldn't move, I thought I was going to die. "As soon as it backed out of the door, I was able to wake up and it opened my roommates door who experienced the same thing. My partner told me no one came in the room last night. "It was terrifying." Beckie-Ann first took an interest in ghosts while studying biology. She said: "We went ghost hunting as a novelty initially. "Out of the corner of my eye I saw this bright blue ball of light - free-floating. "It hovered and came in between myself and my friends and we jumped in opposite directions as it went into the ground - it was terrifying at the time. "I started turning up late to class after spending the night ghost hunting - I was obsessed with it. "I placed more value on trying to replicate that experience again rather than focus on studies." Beckie-Ann was drawn to mortuary science after a number of her friends died. She said: "I was taught that death is an irreversible part of life and I accepted that dead is dead but during that time in mortuary school some professors would share elements of paranormal stories with us. "So the wheels started to turn and I visited a medium and within moments of sitting down, she said there was something around me with blue hair. "One of the friends I lost had blue hair." She moved to Connecticut and started sharing local ghost stories on her social media after work. She said: "It just blew up in a few weeks - within a few weeks I was doing live interviews on the news. "I was looking into the real stories of the Conjuring films. I just started learning about the real people behind those stories and I was invited to see a museum of haunted objects - which included Annabelle in her case." She added: "I'm now called to residential or business investigations - a restaurant up the street, or a friend's parents' house might be haunted and I'm called to investigate. "I get those requests a few times a week but there's a lot of intricacies and liabilities with these investigations. "If I claim a place is haunted and they have a hard time selling it, that falls on me. "I've told myself no more investigations until I've processed the most recent one, I need to accept my workload and capacity. "I also give lectures and I have a lecture called Grief and Ghost Hunting. "I'm different than the traditional ghost hunter as I do have sponsored travels - certain hotels will bring me in to see if I experienced famous claims. "Or films will invite me to investigate the theatre it was hosted at." Beckie-Ann has explored hundreds of different haunted and abandoned spots, including graveyards, forests, hospitals and hotels. She said: "The Mount Washington Hotel in the White Moutains of New Hampshire is one of my favourites. "The first time I went I was attending a paranormal retreat and you just feel the place come to life. "It's a story of liveliness and parties rather than ominous dark tragedies. "It has a incredible story about Princess Caroline who owned it and has all these quirky paintings. "A woman was crushed by an elevator there and they actually allow people to sleep on the original owner's bed." She uses a digital recorder and a camera but believes her own senses are her best tools. She said: "I always advocate that you don't need expensive equipment. "To fully immerse myself in a haunting - I have to delve into newspapers, books, word of mouth. "The actual investigation could be one night but that's not the full experience. "Some days I'll go out for three days at one location and on night four something happens that validates that experience. "What people don't see is me locking myself in a room for an entire week researching a case - I've told stories of people that I don't think anyone would ever look at and people are relating to these stories. "I have been to dozens of states and hundreds of locations. I'll go to a new state and visit five or six locations in a day. "I drive everywhere and I map roadtrips to the main destination and branch out to different locations on the way. "It's fun, but it can be very sketchy in some locations - some are abandoned buildings that haven't been regulated."