The Princess of Wales shines a light on early childhood development in new op-ed

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Kate writes op-ed on early developmentMax Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

The Princess of Wales is spreading awareness of the importance of nurturing children for a "healthier, happier society".

Kate has written a new op-ed for The Telegraph, in which she explores one of her passions: early childhood development. In the article, the princess says that the period from pregnancy through the first five years of a child's life is crucial for "establishing the core foundations which allow us to go on to thrive as individuals, with one another, as a community and as a society".

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Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

"Over the past 10 years, talking to a wide range of experts about how we deal with societal issues, like poor mental and physical health, I have become more and more sure of one thing: if we are going to create a healthier and happier society for future generations, we must start by understanding and acknowledging the unique importance of the first five years of life," she wrote.

The royal has spent the past decade researching the links between children's experiences and interactions at a very young age and their later physical and mental health as adults. In June 2021, she announced The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, her organisation which aims to push for increased awareness of and new research into the impact of the early years.

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Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

"If we are going to tackle the sorts of complex challenges we face today like homelessness, violence and addiction, which are so often underpinned by poverty and poor mental health, we have to fully appreciate those most preventative years and do everything we can to nurture our children and those who care for them," she wrote in the op-ed.

"That is why I am determined to continue to shine a light on this issue and to do everything I can to secure much greater focus on those first crucial few years for the youngest members of our society – they are, after all, our future," she concluded.

Kate has also been a vocal advocate of children's mental health, which is closely linked to her early childhood development research. In addition to the centre, she serves through her patronage of the British children's charity Place2Be, and also provided mental health resources throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Pool/Samir Hussein - Getty Images

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