Princess of Wales tells teens she 'never expected to be royal but fell in love'

The Princess of Wales plays a match of bean-bag noughts and crosses with Dame Kelly Holmes and female pupils as she attended the double Olympic champion's youth development charity event in Bath - AP/Kin Cheung
The Princess of Wales plays a match of bean-bag noughts and crosses with Dame Kelly Holmes and female pupils as she attended the double Olympic champion's youth development charity event in Bath - AP/Kin Cheung

The Princess of Wales has spoken about the unexpected turn her life took when she "fell in love" with Prince William.

The Princess was speaking at a Bristol school where she told her inquisitive young audience she never expected to become a member of the Royal family.

Kate also appeared at a charity event in Bath where she took on Dame Kelly Holmes,  a double Olympic gold medalist, at a game of bean-bag noughts and crosses, but came out second best.

Schoolgirls in years seven and eight watched as the celebrated athletics champion beat the Princess during the game on Tuesday afternoon.

When the Princess later sat down for a chat with the children from St Katherine's School in Bristol, she opened up the floor to questions about herself.

Asked if she had always wanted to be a royal, the Princess replied it was something she had not expected, but that she "fell in love" with the Prince of Wales.

The Princess of Wales, right, talks to Dame Kelly Holmes during a visit to Bath to support the double Olympic champion's youth development charity - AP/Kin Cheung
The Princess of Wales, right, talks to Dame Kelly Holmes during a visit to Bath to support the double Olympic champion's youth development charity - AP/Kin Cheung

Dame Kelly said that when the schoolgirls quizzed Kate about being a royal, the Princess said it was something "she had to learn".

She also said about the Princess: "She humanised everything to say not everyone's perfect. Doesn't matter what you've got, or what you're perceived to have, as an individual you're still going to have those insecurities."

The children were taking part in the On Track To Achieve programme, delivered by Dame Kelly and Paralympic gold medallist Liz Johnson.

The event to mark Mental Health Awareness Week was hosted by the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust, which pairs world-class athletes with youngsters who may lack confidence or have other issues.

The Princess of Wales poses with Dame Kelly Holmes and pupils from St Katherine's School in Bristol at a youth development charity event in Bath - AP/AP
The Princess of Wales poses with Dame Kelly Holmes and pupils from St Katherine's School in Bristol at a youth development charity event in Bath - AP/AP

In bright summer sunshine, two teams had to run forward in turn and throw a bean-bag onto a grid on the ground.

The Princess, wearing a £359 blazer from LK Bennett in bright yellow - the official colour of the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust - and £120 Veja trainers, took command of one team of students while Dame Kelly led the other, which won twice.

After the first victory, the middle-distance athlete held her arms aloft and admitted she is "slightly competitive".

The Princess could be heard joking: "You would never have guessed."

Dame Kelly founded her national youth development organisation with the belief that every young person needs a champion.

The aim of the charity is to help sportsmen or women pass on their winning mindset so that school children can develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in life.

Princess of Wales - Kin Cheung/AP
Princess of Wales - Kin Cheung/AP

The Princess has long been a champion of prioritising mental wellbeing, including that of children and young people.

She has dedicated her time to supporting mental health programmes such as the launch of Heads Together, Shout 85258, and the Mentally Healthy Schools programme.

She is also patron of charities that are focused on promoting and providing mental health support to those in need.

In January 2023, The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood launched Shaping Us, a long-term campaign spearheaded by the Princess.