'I was pregnant at 15, my teacher was expecting the same time as me - I wouldn't change it for the world'

Teenage mum and dad with two children
-Credit: (Image: Jonathan Buckmaster)

Running downstairs with a positive pregnancy test in my hand, I just couldn’t believe it. I was shaking. I couldn’t even talk. While my mum had suggested that I could be pregnant, I didn’t believe her. That was until those two lines showed up.

I’d been with my boyfriend Matt on and off since I was 12. Then not long after my 15th birthday my mum Emma noticed a change in me and asked if I was due on my period. I told her that I had already had it, to which she said that she thought I was pregnant. I’d been crying more than usual and I felt really hormonal, but I put it down to being a teenager.

The day my next period was due I went out with my friends to pick up a pregnancy test. I thought I’d just do one in case. When two lines came up on the test I was gobsmacked.

My mum was the first person I told. She was having a party at home, so I ran down the stairs to where she was and said, ‘Mum, I’m pregnant.’ She didn’t believe me at first and thought the test was faulty. When it sunk in, she cried and was angry, but then she was happy. She went through all of the emotions.

Pregnant teenage girl
Angel sat her last GSCE exam a day before Teddie was born -Credit:Jonathan Buckmaster
Teenage mum with baby in hospital
Angel with baby Teddie moments after his arrival -Credit:Jonathan Buckmaster

Matt came inside to see what was happening and I showed him the test. He didn’t understand what the two lines meant, but I knew that I wanted a baby. As soon as I saw those two pink lines, I knew I was going to step up to the mark.

Matt really stood up, too. The week after we found out, he was due to go to Loughborough College on a sports scholarship. I didn’t think I’d ever see him again, I thought it would be over forever. However, he changed his whole lifestyle. He went to college near me, got his barbering qualification and now he’s a ground worker. He had to step down from some really big opportunities and I’m really grateful for that.

I was studying for my GCSEs, but because of the morning sickness, I was running to the school toilets to throw up every day. I spent a lot of my time by myself, because as happy as I was about becoming a mum, I felt ashamed. I didn’t have any friends to support me, but one teacher was the same number of weeks pregnant as me, so we went through everything together. That helped a lot.

My mum was allowed to come to my scan because I was under 16, but as soon as I had my 16th birthday I had to do it all alone due to the Covid pandemic. I felt I was being judged because of my age, but I kept in mind that after all of those appointments I’d have my baby boy in my arms. That’s what kept me going.

Pregnant again

In the end, I did my last GCSE exam on a Monday and I gave birth to Teddie the following day following a 40-minute labour. I had to go through the contractions alone, as Matt wasn’t allowed in the hospital, so as soon as he walked in I was pushing. Holding Teddie in my arms was just the best feeling, and so was bringing him home. I was living with my mum, so when we brought him home I was surrounded by her and my sisters. It was such a nice experience.

I was at home with Teddie until he was one and a half and then I got a job in autistic care. I gained all of the qualifications and was working for seven months before I found out I was pregnant again! It wasn’t planned, but Matt was so happy. If I’m honest, I didn’t know how to feel! I called my mum up and she reassured me that the baby would slot into my life. She knew I was a good mum.

Young couple with two children
Angel and Matt, 20, with Teddie, three, and their new arrival, Jesse -Credit:Jonathan Buckmaster
Teenage mum and dad with two children
'My boys are my life' says Angel -Credit:Jonathan Buckmaster

As soon as Jesse was born in March this year, all my love came flooding out. His birth was a lot more relaxed than Teddie’s and Matt was there with me all the way. Introducing Teddie to his little brother was incredible – the video still makes me cry.

People my age may go out clubbing, but that’s not for me. As I was pregnant at 15, I’ve never actually been to a club. I’m proud to say that, because not a lot of 19-year-olds can. I couldn’t think of anything worse than being out drinking and my children needing me and not being there. I’ll be there for them every step of the way.

As a mum, my bit of time for me is getting my eyelashes or my nails done, but I still feel guilty when I do. I think if you’re not the best version of you, you can’t be the best mum and I know that when I’ve got a fresh set of lashes and nails on I feel better. Jesse comes with me and when he wakes up he’s on my boob. I’m still a mum when I’m getting my eyelashes done.

There is a stigma that surrounds teen mums. We may be young, but we are also just mums. The challenges you face as a teen mum are challenges you’d face if you were a 30-year-old mum. Your children are your life.

Teenage mum with two children
Angel is now engaged to Matt and looks forward to buying a big house for the children -Credit:Jonathan Buckmaster
Teenage mum with two children
Angel would consider more children but not for a few years yet -Credit:Jonathan Buckmaster

Matt and I are engaged. We’re trying to buy a house with a garden for the boys and my family feels complete. My mum is the best nanny in the world and she boasts about her grandchildren all of the time.

Clubbing with my kids

At the moment, I don’t think I want any more children, but if it did come to it we would want one in the next three or four years. I’m raising my children young, so when they’re older I’ll still be young enough to do what I want. Maybe my first time clubbing will be with my kids!

I love being a mum. I wouldn’t change it for the world. Finding out at 15 that I was going to be a mum was the making and saving of me.

Teen Mom UK: Next Generation Series 2 is now showing on MTV UK, new episodes on Wednesdays at 8pm