A Place in the Sun star Laura Hamilton shares health secret to enviable figure

A Place in the Sun star Laura Hamilton regularly wows in gorgeous swimwear photos, and she recently shared the secret to her enviable figure."I always feel so much better after a workout, and it gives me bags of energy," she said. "Being active is not only great for your physical health, but it's also important for your mental health," she added.WATCH: Laura Hamilton shows off her incredible new homeLoading the player... var track = function (evt_name) { dataLayer.push({ 'event': evt_name, 'eventValue': { 'category': 'videos', 'action': evt_name, 'label': 'HELLO - bM73Ix7d', 'videoUrl': 'https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/bM73Ix7d.mp4', 'videoTitle': 'Laura Hamilton - Home Shoot' } }); }; var playerInstance = playerInstance || []; playerInstance['bM73Ix7d'] = jwplayer('MC45NTE1MzMwMCAxNjczNDQ4NDY4Mjc1MTA='); playerInstance['bM73Ix7d'].setup({ sources: [ {file: 'https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/bM73Ix7d-720.mp4', label: '480'}, {file: 'https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/bM73Ix7d-1280.mp4', label: '720 HD', default: 'true'}, {file: 'https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/bM73Ix7d-1920.mp4', label: '1080 HD'} ], primary: 'html5', image: 'https://content.jwplatform.com/thumbs/bM73Ix7d-720.jpg', related: { file: 'https://cdn.jwplayer.com/v2/playlists/W7M0hKhu?related_media_id=bM73Ix7d', onclick : 'play' }, autostart: false, file: 'bM73Ix7d', title: 'Laura Hamilton - Home Shoot', sharing: {} }); function getDataPermutive() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let maxRetries = 2; let countRetry = 0; let checkingInterval = setInterval( function() { if (countRetry { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { return getDataPermutive().then(_pdfps => { let playerConfig = playerInstance['bM73Ix7d'].getConfig(); const sections = playerConfig.advertising.schedule; const updatedSections = new Array(); sections.forEach(function callback(section, index) { let offSet = section.offset; let tagUrl = section.tag; let playerSegsPerm = encodeURIComponent('&permutive=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.parse(_pdfps || '[]').slice(0, 250).join(','))); tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/(cust_params[^&]+)/, '$1' + playerSegsPerm); updatedSections[index] = {tag: tagUrl, offset: offSet}; }); const updatedPlaylistItem = Object.assign({}, item, {adschedule: updatedSections}); console.log('Permutive added to Pre-roll !!!'); resolve(updatedPlaylistItem); }).catch(() => { console.warn('Permutive no data!!!'); resolve(); }); } catch(error) { console.warn(error); resolve(); } }); }); jwplayer().onPlay(function () { track('play'); }); jwplayer().onPause(function () { track('pause'); }); jwplayer().onComplete(function () { track('complete'); }); jwplayer().onSeek(function () { track('seek'); }); Laura revealed she's just like the rest of us when it comes to motivating herself to exercise revealing she has a gym at her home to make it easier."Finding the motivation to leave the house to exercise can be a struggle, especially in the winter, but I don't have to worry about that with my home gym - it's one less hurdle to overcome." Laura Hamilton works out at home As for her advice for those struggling to find the incentive to exercise, Laura said: "I think the key thing for staying motivated with your New Year fitness goals is to set small and achievable ones. It then feels rewarding when you start seeing the progress, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't set yourself big challenges as well! Just break them down into manageable chunks so it's less overwhelming."The 40-year-old says exercise is a big part of her children's lives too, and they're also full of energy as a result. Laura Hamilton has a super fit physiqueLaura isn’t the only A Place in the Sun star who’s dedicated to her health. Fellow presenter Jasmine Harman also puts the work in when it comes to exercise.As well as several sessions of Zumba per week and eating healthily, Jasmine said she takes JS Health Detox and Debloat vitamins daily and credits them for her svelte figure.The supplements, which cost £29.99 for 60 tablets, are designed to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of bloating, for a flatter stomach – and Jasmine is a big fan.In response to a fan asking how long it took for the effects to kick in, Jasmine wrote: "I noticed a difference after one day, but look at the difference after 10 days. The photo speaks for itself.""I noticed a reduction in my tummy bloat after one day and it makes me feel so much more confident when I'm filming, especially on the beach," she continued.Laura works out at home with Echelon's at-home workout equipment. Find out more about their wide range of online live and on-demand classes on their website.Subscribe to Hello Happiness, for your ultimate guide on how to be happier.HELLO!'s selection is editorial and independently chosen – we only feature items our editors love and approve of. HELLO! may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. To find out more visit our FAQ page.