Peter Andre is dad-shamed for sharing intimate picture of his wife breastfeeding

Peter Andre shared this sweet snap of his wife breastfeeding their newborn, but it hasn't gone down well with everyone [Photo: Instagram/Peterandre]
Peter Andre shared this sweet snap of his wife breastfeeding their newborn, but it hasn’t gone down well with everyone [Photo: Instagram/Peterandre]

Barely a day goes past without a female celebrity being attacked for their parenting choices. But just recently the men are getting just as much stick. The latest celebrity to find himself on the receiving end of some rather critical dad-shaming is Peter Andre.

Last week, the dad-of-four shared a sweet snap to Instagram of his wife, Emily, breastfeeding their newborn baby Theodore James.

“I walked in and saw this. Just perfect #hungrylad,” he captioned the shot.

But while many were quick to offer praise to the proud papa for attempting to normalise breastfeeding, others felt sharing the picture so publicly was unnecessary and questioned the 43-year-old’s decision to post such an intimate shot to social media.

“I love breast feeding its normal and beautiful but Not for social media,” one follower commented.

“Lovely picture but why post it on social media?! We get that breastfeeding is special and we all know what it looks like so these pics should be private and personal,” added another

“I’m surprised at you Peter I thought that you had more values than this,” wrote one follower. “I totally agree with breastfeeding but for the world to see .. ridiculous.”

“Do we really need to share this moment with them. I don’t think we do, we don’t want to share their sex life, arguing, going for a s**t, popping a spot etc etc,” another fan voiced.

I walked in and saw this. Just perfect #hungrylad

A photo posted by Peter Andre (@peterandre) on Feb 9, 2017 at 1:57pm PST

Others believed the picture didn’t offer a true representation of breastfeeding, accusing the dad of glossing over the realities.

“This is a beautiful pic and I am so happy Emily is willing to have her pic BF’ing put out there but in my view this isn’t a natural pic of breastfeeding, breastfeeding is amazing and wonderful, but it hurts your back, neck, boobs etc etc,” one follower wrote.

“There is no way Emily would be sitting in that position on that chair just bf’ing. Make it more natural next time to truly make your point!”

Others wanted to make the point that some mothers are unable to breastfeed, and praising those that can adds to the pressure they feel in not being about to nurse their child.

“Unfortunately not all mothers are able to breastfeed + we are made to feel like failures because of it,” one woman wrote.

“I have 3 sons + was unable to breastfeed even though I tried + tried + it is because of praise for those who are able to do it that we feel like failures. Can we think about those who were unable to do so + stop going on about how natural it is as this really does hurt us that wanted to do it but we’re unable. Bottle feeding done my sons no harm but I would have given anything to breastfeed!!!!!”

Tired are ya?…….We must be related…wait..we are. Awesome????

A photo posted by Peter Andre (@peterandre) on Jan 3, 2017 at 11:17am PST

But other parents were quick to step in and defend the singer’s decision to share the shot.

“People are so negative this is beautiful! Well done mumma and well done daddy for being a great support,” one follower wrote.

“This is a lovely pic, it’s great to see you’re both advocates of this. And this is a totally ‘natural’ position – I’ve fed like this many-a-time. Enjoy your new addition #normalisebreastfeeding,” added another.

“Beautiful photo. Breastfeeding works best when Dad is on board and supportive. It’s lovely that you are being so supportive,” wrote another fan.

Gotta start them young!….. bless baby River he's so fascinated by the cooking.

A photo posted by Jamie Oliver (@jamieoliver) on Feb 9, 2017 at 12:58pm PST

Peter Andre isn’t the only dad to come under fire on social media of late. Over the weekend Jamie Oliver was on the end of a backlash after sharing a picture cooking with his baby son, River Rocket.

Posting an image of himself frying some food while holding his six-month old baby in his other hand, he captioned the shot: “Gotta start them young! Bless baby River he’s so fascinated by the cooking.”

But his social media followers had a lot to say about how he was holding the tot.

“I once had an awful experience doing just that with my little girl,” one parent wrote.

“So adorable. But PLEASE don’t hold your baby near the stove,” added another. While another parent branded the chef’s actions “irresponsible.”

Seems like the trolls have got it in for the dads right now.

What do you think about the two images? Let us know @YahooStyleUK

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