22 Cases Of School "Rich Kid Syndrome" That Are So Absolutely Out There I Can't Believe People Raise Their Kids Like This
Recently, I read a post on the popular "Ask Reddit" page from a now-deleted Reddit user asking, "What's the worst case of 'rich kid syndrome' you've seen?" A lot of people posted responses specifically about kids they knew from school, and you know I had to share. So, here are some of the best "rich kid at school" stories:
1."I went to high school with this insufferably spoiled kid. The family had a couch in their home's elevator, and classical European sculptures (this was in the U.S.). The kid talked down to and about the less fortunate on a regular basis. He once made fun of me for picking a coin up off the ground."
2."One girl from my high school got breast implants for her 18th birthday. Her mom joined her as a mother/daughter bonding activity followed by the daughter getting a brand new $90,000 Mercedes as a high school graduation gift."
3."When I was in boarding school, one of my co-boarders handed me some mail saying, 'Do you notice anything special about this envelope?' When I checked it out, I realized his face was on the stamp... He was royalty."
MK2 Diffusion / Via youtube.com
4."Knew this one guy at my college who didn't understand why everybody was so worked up about student loans. I remember him saying something along the lines of 'Why don't people just pay the tuition upfront?'"
"He was also quite sheltered."
5."I went to school with a very rich kid, his parents divorced and each decided to buy his love. Mommy owned a real estate agency, so she got him a license and spoon-fed him enough sales for a six-figure income. The dad then BOUGHT HIM A MAGAZINE."
"Yes, the dad bought a magazine for his 24-year-old cokehead son to 'run.' Worked about as well as you'd imagine."
"I have a cousin like that. Her parents have always just bought whatever job she's kind of interested in. In high school, they opened a Dairy Queen so she would have a place for a first job. They've bought her a clothing store and an interior design business/home decor store. And now that she's got kids and less time to work, they bought like four condos for her to use as Airbnb properties... the only good thing is when she gets bored, her stepbrother takes over and finds qualified people to run the businesses, so other people are ending up with nice jobs."
6."One of my college classmates wrecked his Range Rover over winter break and came back in an Aston Martin."
7."In middle school, we were asked to draw our homes for some assignment and hand it in at the end of class. A popular, extremely wealthy kid who sat behind me raised his hand and smugly asked the teacher for another sheet of paper because he couldn’t draw it all on one page. His friends just snickered, but I cringed. Even at 12, I remember thinking it was such a snobby thing to say."
Pop TV / CBC Television / Via giphy.com
8."Rich kid I know brought $1,000 to the book fair in elementary school. Yeah, $1,000, that’s not a typo."
9."In high school, a kid made fun of my mother, so I squared up, ready to fight him. He said, 'If you lay a finger on me, I’ll get my father's lawyer to sue your family for everything they’ve got.' That made me laugh, call him a coward, and I went on with my life."
10."In high school, this one girl was talking to her friend and complaining about getting a PS4 for Christmas instead of an Xbox One. The entire time I was thinking, 'I'll take it!'"
11."Knew this kid in college. Super rich, like Saudi prince rich (went to a US school with loads of international students). He came into the lounge complaining that he was so hungry and all he wanted was mac and cheese. I told him I had a box if he wanted it. He looked at me like I had three heads. He asked, 'What am I supposed to do? Cook it?'"
"I rolled my eyes because this wasn’t my first interaction with him. Gave him the box and showed him where the communal pots/spoons were. Said good luck and went to bed. He was a nice guy, just completely clueless/ignorant of anything outside his sphere."
12."This kid back in high school was whining (I mean literally whimpering) that he had to wait something like six weeks for his custom-built BMW to come over from Germany."
13."My friend in middle school lost a $350 pair of sunglasses on a school field trip. One week later, his parents had bought him another pair of $350 sunglasses."
NBC / Via giphy.com
14."In freshman year of college, my roommate bought an expensive 4k TV using his stepdad's credit card without his permission, and he didn't care when my roommate told him about it."
15."My ex from high school used to take $200 out of his dads bank account every day and call it 'savings.' Any time he’d over-spend on anything he would tell his parents to 'take it from my inheritance.'"
"Treated everyone like absolute shit and if anyone said anything he’d throw it in their face that he could 'buy their whole life.' All of this while we were like 15-17. He had nothing to his name."
16."Kid in my undergrad accounting class complained the cruise his parents were taking him on wasn’t the one he wanted to go on."
Paramount Pictures / Via giphy.com
"Within a few minutes of that he told me I’d do better in class if I quit my job and just let my parents pay for my college. Yeah, no shit."
17."He constantly said the the n-word and just was racist in general and got off scot-free because his dad was above the school principal. Made my friend cry quite a few times."
18."[A] girl at my high school complained that her Porsche was getting dusty 'cause she always drove her Range Rover."
"She was a twin, and her sister had her own Porsche and Range Rover, too. And they were just two of four kids. We suspected the dad was a drug dealer, and five years later, he ended up in prison for 'unknown reasons.'"
19."A guy living down the hall from me in my first year of university had grown up in posh private boarding schools all his life. He used to put his shoes outside his door every morning and expected someone to shine them for him."
The CW / Entertainment Tonight / Via youtube.com
20."I have so many of these stories, having gone to college with a few kids whose parents were billionaires. One girl had a $60,000 per month allowance."
"Another girl (parents weren't quite billionaires, but close) was gifted a $2 million house to live in during college (our school was located in a very expensive neighborhood).
Watching some of my fraternity brothers talk about money is incredible sometimes. In particular, one guy whose father runs a major oil company. He's been day-trading millions of dollars in stocks since he was a teenager."
21."I'm from New Jersey (right outside New York), and I was home one summer during college visiting a girl in my sorority in New York City. She's from Manhattan and has lived there her whole life."
"I had to navigate us through the subway and teach her how to load money onto a metrocard because she'd never used the subway before, and had always taken cabs everywhere. We were 21 and 22."
22.And finally, "Some girl in my 8th-grade class attacked a teacher —like, attacked attacked, like, I think she broke the poor woman's nose— for giving her a bad grade. When she came back the next week with no punishment whatsoever, she just said, 'Daddy took care of it.'"
I want to see all your thoughts down in the comments below! Feel free to share any "rich kid syndrome" stories of your own. If you want to share but prefer to stay anonymous, you can check out this anonymous Google form!
Who knows — your story may end up in an upcoming BuzzFeed article.
Note: some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.