How much do you spend on health and wellness a month?

<span>We’d like to hear what you spend on health and wellness per month, whatever wellness means to you.</span><span>Photograph: Westend61 GmbH/Alamy</span>
We’d like to hear what you spend on health and wellness per month, whatever wellness means to you.Photograph: Westend61 GmbH/Alamy

Taking care of oneself can be expensive and time consuming. According to the Global Wellness Institute, Americans spend over $6,000 per person a year on wellness – the “largest wellness economy by far”. The UK is the fifth biggest wellness economy globally, with a per capita average annual wellness spending of $3,342.

Wellness means different things for different people. For some, it may include nutritious groceries, fitness classes and treatment for chronic pain. For others, it may be a comprehensive health insurance plan, skincare products, therapy and a subscription to a meditation app.

We want to hear what you spend on health and wellness per month, whatever wellness means to you.


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