People Are Sharing The Features That Their Home Has That Not Many Others Have

If you're anything like me, you absolutely love hearing about all the cool, random, or bizarre features that homes have.

Drew Scott and Jonathan Scott, wearing casual shirts, stand indoors looking surprised and excited, with Drew clapping his hands. The HGTV logo appears
HGTV / Via

So recently I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the feature or quirk that their home has that not many others have. Here are some of their responses:

1."My post-war bungalow had so many old outlets. When an electrician came out, I asked if the outlets were live and if I should have them removed. He told me that the outlets were for phones, not electric plugs. I was so confused as to why the house needed eight phone plugs in an 800-square-foot area. Then I found the switchboard in the attic. My house was the site of the town's last phone switchboard."

—45, US

Switchboard operators sitting in chairs and manually connecting calls using a patch panel. The image depicts early 20th-century telephone communication
Fpg / Getty Images

2."Our apartment is interesting because it came with my husband's job. It's an old folks community and we have some slightly odd things that must've been here forever. It's the 'Superintendent Apartment' so we have an old-ass squealy alarm by the front door that goes off if someone pulls their 'safety cord' in their apartment. We also have two safety cords (bathroom and bedroom). We have some weird-ass, 1970s-looking red heat lamp in our bathroom that turns on with a dial that ticks down so it shuts off. It's great in the winter."


3."I have a house that was built around 1942, and it has a military-grade fallout shelter in my backyard. It's also stocked with rations and canned water."

—44, Utah

A dimly lit, industrial hallway leads to a heavy metal door with a red circular handle. Pipes run along the walls and ceiling
Meteo160 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

4."My entire house is like one giant sensory gym! Nugget couches, climbing triangles, a ladder, stepping stones, a trampoline, an IKEA spinny chair, a slide, balance beams, tents, etc. Makes for lots of fun. Our floor is lava games and obstacle courses. Everyone who comes over loves it."


5."The old Victorian I grew up in had an actual water well on the back porch. It wasn't a cistern; the hole went down to groundwater. My dad had to board it up so that we kids wouldn't play on it or with it."


A stone well with a wooden roof and a metal bucket inside, surrounded by green grass and plants
Kevin Schafer / Getty Images

6."I have annoying creaking stairs, and found out there was secret storage under them."


7."I sacrificed two bedrooms for an old-style movie theater. Tiered seating, each tier with floor lighting strips, tin ceiling tiles (really, painted PVC), Shakespearean comedy/tragedy masks for wall sconces, popcorn machine, movie posters, and, my favorite touch, red velvet curtains across the doorway, held open by gold tasseled tie-backs. Movie night and football games are awesome."


A home theater with red seats arranged in rows facing a large screen displaying an image of a person in a light-colored outfit with a flowing blue cape
Jamesbrey / Getty Images

8."The elderly couple who owned my home created a POSTURE plaque that was posted on the kitchen door leading to the garage. The relative I bought the home from stated they wanted a reminder to have good posture because they didn't want to be those hunched-over 'old people.' Even when I remodeled my kitchen, I made sure to keep this wonderful reminder."

—65, Florida

9."My parents' house has a wood stove fireplace in the basement, and it is amazing! No better way to pass the long snowstorms and power outages than all gathered up around a cozy fire that keeps the whole house warm."


A woman adds a piece of wood to a burning stove in a cozy cabin
Lucentius / Getty Images

10."I have two refrigerators. Before I moved into my current place, I already had one nice fridge. When I moved, the spot for the fridge in the kitchen was too small, so I bought another one. There is space just off the kitchen that's the perfect size for my first fridge."


11."Not my current home, but a sharehouse I used to live in had six bedrooms, four bathrooms, a spa, sauna room, and a swimming pool... all not that unusual except for the former drug lab in the crawl space under the house. There was a whole semi-secret warren under there, and they used to crawl under the house and knock on the floorboards to freak out the new housemates. Thankfully I missed out on that!"


Long, narrow corridor of an old, abandoned building with rusting metal pipes and decaying walls
Vladimir Zapletin / Getty Images

12."We live in the country in an old farmhouse. The old owners remodeled the kitchen, and one piece of the cabinet is a moveable island."

—Anonymous, Wisconsin

13."We have a vacuum hose in the wall in the laundry room. It's an absolute must for cleaning out the lint in the dryer!"

—70, Canada

A vacuum hose is plugged into a wall outlet with a connected vacuum in the background, near a potted plant
Hamikus / Getty Images

14."I installed a comic book floor in both the bathroom and kitchen. I cut the covers off hundreds of comic books from my old collection, glued them to the floor, and poured clear epoxy resin over the whole thing. The best part of the project was covering a tacky blue/burnt orange tile wall that surrounds the tub. I covered every burnt orange tile with a comic book panel and then sealed the whole thing with the same epoxy resin I made the floors with. I get joy from this every single day of my life."

—54, Canada

15."There’s a picture of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam in a gold gilt frame on top of the ceiling in the dining room with a chandelier coming down from it."

—49, Minnesota

The image shows a famous artwork known as "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo, depicting two hands reaching towards each other
Vieriu Adrian / Getty Images

16."I live in a house that was built in 1650 England. The doorways are so small that it's difficult to move furniture."

—Bertie, England

17."The oldest part of our house was built in the 1850s, and it's been added on to several times over the decades. The original stairs were in the kitchen and, when the second floor was enlarged, they were pulled out. The space was then enclosed, and a new, bigger stairway was built in the front of the house. But you can still access the original space through the back of the coat closet. Just push the hanging coats aside and pass through into a small, dusty storage area. We call it Narnia. The most recent addition to the house was a new kitchen/family room area in the back. It was built outright over the old storm cellar. So we have a trap door in the center of the family room floor leading down into our own stone-lined dungeon. It's where we and about 50,000 spiders take shelter during tornadoes."

—64, Kansas

An empty wooden wardrobe is open, revealing an interior with a single black hanger
Kanzefar / Getty Images

18."We have this weird, really loud Radon Reduction system in our house. I had never heard of or seen one before we bought the house."

—45, US

19.And finally, "My house has two windows upstairs… that are not actual windows. They’re just for show."


A two-story suburban house with a front porch, attached garage, and a driveway. The yard is grassy and a few other houses are visible in the background
Joe Hendrickson / Getty Images

Does your home have a cool or unique feature? Share below in the comments!

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.