If You Grew Up Filthy Rich, We Want To Know What Made You Realize Your Parents Had MONEY

People who grew up rich can admit as adults that they lived in a completely alternate reality from everyone else.

Kim Kardashian is distressed in a pool about a lost earring. Kourtney Kardashian responds, "Kim, there's people that are dying."

So, I'm asking members of the BuzzFeed Community: If you grew up in the top 1%, what made you realize that you were, in fact, "filthy rich?"

Maybe your childhood was filled with kidnapper training for your own safety because your parents had THAT much money.

Two individuals practicing Krav Maga in an industrial setting, one wearing a green T-shirt, the other wearing a black T-shirt

Or maybe one of your parents was an ambassador, which means you regularly had dinner with a president.

An elegant dining table is set with numerous wine glasses, rolled napkins, and cutlery, prepared for a formal event or banquet

Or maybe your family never had to stand in long lines for airport security because they had a private plane.

Private jet with steps down, connected to red carpet pathway framed by gold stanchions. No one is visible in the image

If you grew up filthy rich, we want to hear from you! Share your experience in the comments below or via this anonymous Google form, and your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.