Parents, Are There Any Mistakes You Made While Raising Your Kids That You're Seeing The Results Of Now?
Parenting is absolutely no easy feat. While there may be countless books on child-rearing, sage wisdom passed down from elders, and family bloggers who claim to have it all figured out, the truth is that no two children nor two families are the same. There's no "one size fits all" policy in raising a kid. No matter what resources parents consult, they ultimately decide what they think is best for their child. So, it's only natural that sometimes parents make mistakes or have regrets.
Parents, do you have any regrets about how you raised your kids? Are there any mistakes you made in parenting that you're seeing the results of now? What do you wish you'd done differently?
Whether it concerns your child's relationship with technology, how they socialize, how they address conflict, etc., we hope you'll be open to discussing and sharing information that may benefit other parents.
This is a judgment-free zone. Parenting is difficult. We're just here to discuss and learn, not to shame.
Parents, if you'd like to share, you may do so publicly in the comments or anonymously using this form. Submissions may be featured in a BuzzFeed Community piece. Thank you for your honesty!