Even In The Midst Of Infinite Dread, These 46 Photos Of Kids Being Kids Made Me Chuckle

1.This nephew was painfully relatable.

Student writes "Surviving" on purple paper under a sign asking for hopes for 6th grade
u/Nice_Bake / Via reddit.com

2.This son was just utilizing his creativity and imagination.

A hand with blue pen caps on each fingertip, resembling long nails, in a playful gesture
u/Tmcmac0708 / Via reddit.com

3.This kid, however, was not.

Drawing of an iPod on green paper with "iPod 69" written at the bottom on a wooden surface
u/sunnyismybunny / Via reddit.com

4.This kid definitely deserved to win the Science Fair.

Science fair project poster titled "How Much Turmoil Does the Science Project Cause Families?" with humorous findings and results
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

5.This daughter had one of the most effective burns I've ever seen.

Note with handwritten text: "When I grow up, I want to be as funny as you think you are."
u/magnus_ubergasm / Via reddit.com

6.Though this niece gives her a run for her money.

A handmade card reads: "Roses are red, violets are blue, you are still bald and you can not change that at all!" with drawings of a stick figure and sun
u/TheToolMan / Via reddit.com

7.I think I'm going to start every future card to my dad with "you weird man."

Child's handwritten note to dad saying he is weird, funny, and stupid; enjoys watching "Dragon Ball" and strange things together. From Courtney
u/Str8upbored / Via reddit.com

8.This 11-year-old had a perfect memory of the Ten Commandments...or at least, what they should be.

Ten humorous commandments include kindness, charity, and punching Hitler
u/ucfjag / Via reddit.com

9.This kid couldn't resist this opportunity to rag on his dad.

Word search puzzle with the words "DAD SUX" circled in blue pen
u/hate_tank / Via reddit.com

10.This niece forgave, but she did not forget.

Hand holding battery pack with label: "Gift not included" and image of a gift box
u/panoparker / Via reddit.com

11.This kid used the Internet to her benefit.

A Google search result showing that in 2018, the average amount per tooth from the tooth fairy was $3.70, with 2 in 5 parents paying at least $5
u/pkondas / Via reddit.com

12.This kid was also an ~artiste~...and probably gave the neighbors a fright.

Snowman with a black hat and red nose appears to have collapsed. It is facedown with a coat and shovel, humorously resembling a snow fort mishap
u/pauldraws / Via reddit.com

13.I don't know what religion this is, but I'm interested in joining.

Hand-drawn star within a circle on paper, surrounded by the word "Cheese" written multiple times
u/Swank-Bowser / Via reddit.com

14.This kid's plan was foolproof.

A hand-drawn paper model of a MacBook Pro with keyboard, trackpad, and a screen depicting a desktop interface with icons and folders
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

15.As was this kid's plan.

Wanted: Piano lesson before Saturday. Michael needs to play Beethoven's 5th Symphony for parents' anniversary. Offers to share cool facts or songs
u/mamabearx0x0 / Via reddit.com

16.This kid had a beautiful vision of the past. (Yes, that is a dinosaur and a human peeing in the same spot.)

Framed child's drawing of a dinosaur holding a sword, standing on a patch of grass
u/PondusFM / Via reddit.com

17.This kid was really heartfelt in his apology.

Handwritten note apologizing to Grandma for not listening and yelling, and asking for forgiveness
u/MissMarie313 / Via reddit.com

18.This kid has a future as a cartoonist.

Drawing of a snail with a shocked expression beside a bomb with a digital timer
u/Fatcatdaisy / Via reddit.com

19.This child chose the perfect bad word...and may have a future as a card-writer.

Note with childlike handwriting: "You're an awesome mom. Keep that up." Contains a thumbs-up drawing
u/diggum1996 / Via reddit.com

20.This kid had an interesting yet valid answer.

Heart-shaped paper lists "People I love": Mom, Dad, Shawn, Kate, Tyler, Teddy Roosevelt
u/Brandy_Alexander / Via reddit.com

21.This kid found a creative way to get permission to eat candy.

Four Starburst wrappers and a miniature model of a hot dog made from Starburst candies on a table. Snowflake pattern visible in background
u/Havocfyw / Via reddit.com

22....I mean, at least he censored the swear.

Handwritten note reads: "I will miss you & the chewie plant so [expletive] much."
u/TheGrapeSlushies / Via reddit.com

23.This kid wasn't wrong.

Worksheet showing partially completed word scrambles with handwritten answers for each

24.Neither was this kid.

Math problem: "Come up with an equation that is true when x = 7." The answer, "x = 7," is followed by a handwritten comment: "Really?"
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

25.I think this kid might be Jonah Hill from Superbad.

Drawing of crude doodles, including phallic imagery and buildings, on a whiteboard
u/IliterateStenografur / Via reddit.com

26.This kid is an innovator.

A cardboard laptop with hand-drawn keys and screen sits on a couch, simulating a real computer setup
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

27.This kid was an ~artiste~.

Child's drawing with a stick figure and the phrase "I love pooping."
u/ReggaeForPresident / Via reddit.com

28.I fail to see the issue here.

Email informing about a student's lunch detention for inappropriate behavior during a review game in class, where he called himself "Mass Debater."
u/andshedanced / Via reddit.com

29.These kids were just exercising their creative freedom.

TV screen displaying a detailed sculpture of Godzilla with muscular features. Surrounding are Halloween-themed decorations on a shelf
u/ApologeticKid / Via reddit.com

30.This nine-year-old had a message for everyone everywhere.

Handwritten note expressing disapproval of ranch dressing on pizza, stating, "Ranch on pizza is gross! Ranch is for salad."
u/decke / Via reddit.com

31.This niece was unflinchingly honest, and you know what? We need more of that in the world.

Child's drawing of a nurse holding a leash, leading a dog. Text below reads: "My dog is going to get his balls cut off today."
u/The_Mr_Falls / Via reddit.com

32.This daughter had good taste in music.

A billboard showing a simple map of Iowa with the text "Iowa: A Place to Stay" attributed to Technotronic
u/givemegliberty / Via reddit.com

33.This seven-year-old had HAD IT with his dad sleeping in.

Child's drawing with text about a father sleeping instead of spending time with his son. Includes stick figures and a bed
[deleted] / Via reddit.com

34.This son had the perfect gift for his mom.

Jar candle labeled "Mom's Last Nerve: oh look...it's on fire" on a wooden table
u/jimmyg4life / Via reddit.com

35.This son wasn't so intent on recording the mundane.

Simple drawing of a figure with a sad expression and raised arms. Text above reads: "dear diary nothing happened today so."
u/hinga-dingadurgen / Via reddit.com

36.This son was a prankster.

Weather app screen showing temperatures: Culver City 46°F, Manhattan 42°F, and "Poop" 77°F. Weather conditions are partly cloudy, cloudy, and sunny respectively
u/tiggermilk / Via reddit.com

37.This kid was genuinely repentant.

Two handwritten notes: "You're the worst dad in the world, I don't even like you." Second note: "Sorry, sorry. I did not mean to be mean to you."
u/nightsaysni / Via reddit.com

38.This kid just did as he was asked.

Stacked dishes in a kitchen sink, including plates, bowls, and cups, balanced on top of each other for drying. Dish soap is visible nearby
u/Darzin / Via reddit.com

39.This son heard a littleeee too much.

Child's drawing of a person sitting in a chair with text in a speech bubble saying, "f***'n dogs, f*** Fernando."
u/gorillacanon / Via reddit.com

40.This kid was sick of the gabbing and let it be known.

Child's drawing of two figures in dresses and two smaller figures, one appearing to playfully tug at each of the dresses
u/EliseGravel / Via reddit.com

41.This kid didn't feel the need to explain herself — and honestly, we should all take note.

Math worksheet with handwritten note: "64 I just know," next to a problem about adding 19, 45, and 24
u/xskysoblue / Via reddit.com

42.This kid gave a vital warning — along with some new vocabulary.

Child's note to dad about room smell and having diarrhea, reassuring not to worry and having a towel ready
u/mysoulishome / Via reddit.com

43.This kid knew the importance of being grateful for the little things.

Paper leaves with handwritten reasons kids are thankful. One reads, "Broccoli because it helps me poop - Charlie."
u/ZaPizzaPie / Via reddit.com

44.I think this kid's answer was more than fair.

Students answered: Sinkhole, hurricane, Sharknado
u/Moonstonemassage / Via reddit.com

45.This kid had confidence one can only aspire to.

Student's written answers on an insect's water-walking ability and confidence in knowledge about water animals
u/cjd3 / Via reddit.com

46.And finally, this niece sent a sweet letter to her uncle.

A handwritten letter from a child to their uncle, mentioning earning ten dollars, candy plans, and humorous notes about boogers
u/InfoSecPeezy / Via reddit.com