No growing pains: the 20 houseplants that are hardest to kill

<span>‘Versatile and hardy’: the pothos. All photographs: Gynelle Leon.</span><span>Photograph: Gynelle Leon</span>
‘Versatile and hardy’: the pothos. All photographs: Gynelle Leon.Photograph: Gynelle Leon

Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or a busy, forgetful amateur who just wants to add a touch of greenery to a room, we’ve all faced the heartbreak of a withering houseplant. However, some plants are more resilient than others.

The following can withstand serious neglect, temperature ranges and poor light. From Pothos to ivy, here are my top picks for the hardest-to-kill, hardiest houseplants – and where to buy them from some of the UK’s most eco-aware stockists.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos (pictured, top) is a versatile and hardy trailing plant that’s native to Solomon Islands. Its heart-shaped leaves, often variegated with green and yellow, add a decorative statement for any space. This plant is known for its air-purifying qualities and its ability to thrive in various conditions. It requires minimal watering.
Buy: from £20

Snake plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is celebrated for its sharp, architectural leaves. Originating from west Africa, this plant can grow up to 1.2m tall, featuring stiff, upright leaves with green and yellow variegation. It’s near indestructible, able to survive temperatures of 5C to 27C, low and bright light, and infrequent watering. It’s also one of the few succulents that is happy in high and low humidity.
Buy: £14

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The ZZ plant, native to east Africa, is renowned for its striking waxy leaves that are smooth and glossy. This hardy plant features thick, upright stems and dark green, pinnate leaves that can grow up to a meter high. Its rhizomatous roots store water, making it resilient and forgiving of occasional neglect.
Buy: £19.99

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

A 1980s favourite, the spider plant, with its striped green-and-white long, arching leaves, is known for its air-purifying properties. Spider plants are adaptable, and thrive in a range of light conditions and requiring minimal care (perfect for the student in your life). They also produce baby spider plants that you can propagate easily.
Buy: £10

Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Native to eastern Mexico, this plant features a bulbous base and long, curly leaves that give it a whimsical appearance. Despite its name, this isn’t a true palm but rather a succulent, making it drought-tolerant. It stores water in its bulbous base and requires minimal watering.
Buy: £9.99

Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)

The peace lily has glossy green leaves and elegant white spathes, and is a symbol of tranquillity. It’s the bounce-back queen, known for its forgiving nature when it comes to watering and its ability to thrive in low light. Native to tropical regions of the Americas, it beautifies spaces and also purifies the air, removing common indoor pollutants.
Buy: £10.99

Aloe vera

This plant is renowned for its medicinal properties – soothing burns and calming skin irritations – but it has a striking appearance, too. A succulent, it has thick, fleshy leaves that store water, making it drought-resistant. Aloe vera plants are perfect for sunny spots and require very little water.
Buy: from £9.99

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

With its broad, glossy leaves, the rubber plant adds a touch of tropical elegance to any interior. Native to south-east Asia, it can grow into a large indoor tree if given enough space. Its dark green foliage with a reddish tinge is a visual treat. Rubber plants are hardy and can grow in a range of light conditions. They prefer infrequent watering, which is perfect for the forgetful gardener.
Buy: from £11.99

Zebra plant (Haworthiopsis attenuata)

With animal-print leaves so perfect it’s often mistaken for an artificial plant, the zebra plant is a small, succulent native to South Africa. Its leaves are thick, dark-green and adorned with white, horizontal stripes. Compact and low-maintenance, it’s perfect for small spaces. It thrives in bright light and doesn’t require much watering – meaning you can pop it on a window sill and (almost) forget about it.
Buy: from £6.99

Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana)

An elegant indoor palm native to Australia’s Lord Howe Island, this features feathery, arching fronds that add a tropical vibe to any space. This slow-growing palm is perfect for adding height and greenery to indoor environments. It can tolerate low light and irregular watering and is a slow grower, making it ideal for homes with limited space. This does make it more expensive, though, as it can take many years to reach a saleable size.
Buy: £189

Jade plant (Crassula ovata)

Known as the money plant, this succulent – native to South Africa and Mozambique – is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Its thick, fleshy leaves store water, allowing it to survive drought conditions. With its tree-like appearance, it thrives on neglect, requires minimal water and can tolerate a variety of light conditions.
Buy: from £14.99

Candelabra tree (Euphorbia Ingens)

The distinctive shape is beloved and familiar, but although it’s often mistaken for a cactus this plant is a succulent, one of more than 500 in the genus, originally from the subtropical regions of southern Africa and Thailand. Its columnar, green stems can reach impressive heights and it has a striking, architectural look. It’s highly drought-tolerant and can thrive in bright direct light. It’s not cheap, however, as it takes time to grow. The more mature specimens, with many branches, are highly prized.
Buy: £104.99

Yucca (Yucca elephantipes)

The yucca is known for its bold, spiky leaves and tree-like growth. It can tolerate dry conditions and poor soil, making it an incredibly robust houseplant. Yuccas thrive in bright light with minimal water.
Buy: from £45

Dragon tree (Dracaena marginata)

The dragon tree is a hardy plant with slender, arching leaves edged in red. It makes an excellent choice for adding a touch of the exotic to indoor spaces. Resilient, and tolerant of low light and irregular watering, it’s perfect for a social butterfly who is hardly ever home.
Buy: from £24.95

Cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa)

Watch out: the cheese plant – with its glossy leaves with holes and splits – can grow impressively large, even if you ignore it. It’s a fast-growing climber native to the tropical rainforests of Central America, thrives in indirect light, and needs only occasional watering.
Buy: £25

African spear plant (Sansevieria cylindrica)

The African spear plant, with its cylindrical, upright leaves, is a sculptural marvel (and a minimalist’s dream). Its thick, spear-like leaves are as hard as wood, designed to store water, making it highly drought-tolerant. The plant thrives in low light – perfect for low-maintenance indoor gardening. Virtually indestructible.
Buy: £20

Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum Brasil)

The Heartleaf philodendron is known for its ease of care and fast growth. This plant’s trailing vines and heart-shaped leaves are beautiful and resilient. It tolerates low light and inconsistent watering, making it an easy one to take care of.
Buy: £13.99

Air plants (Tillandsia xerographica)

Air plants don’t even need soil to grow and only require occasional misting or soaking. Native to the forests, mountains, and deserts of Central and South America, these plants are epiphytes, absorbing moisture and nutrients through their leaves. Their unusual growing habit makes them perfect for creative displays and they thrive in various light conditions.
Buy: £36

Agave Shaka Zulu

This is a dramatic succulent native to Mexico, featuring rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves with red-tinted serrated edges and a deep blue/green hue. It thrives in bright light and needs minimal watering, handling occasional neglect with ease.
Buy: £22.99

English ivy (Hedera helix)

A classic trailing plant with lush, green foliage known for being invasive when planted outdoors. Indoors, its dense, trailing vines make it perfect for hanging baskets or shelves. It is known for its ability to thrive in various conditions and in low-to-bright indirect light; some varieties are hardy down to -10C.
Buy: £10