Netflix viewers are all praising new film God's Crooked Lines

netflix viewers praise film god's crooked lines
Netflix viewers praise film God's Crooked LinesYouTube - Netflix

If there's one thing we can be guaranteed to enjoy it's a mysterious thriller movie, and Netflix's latest psychological thriller, God's Crooked Lines, has got us hooked.

The Spanish movie was released earlier this year but dropped on Netflix last week (9th December). Since then, it has progressed steadily up the Top 10, with viewers praising the puzzling film.

God's Crooked Lines sees private detective Alice Gould (Bárbara Lennie) check herself into a psychiatric facility, claiming to be suffering from paranoia. However, what she's really there to try and do is uncover the mystery of another patient's death.

netflix viewers praise film god's crooked lines
YouTube - Netflix

Viewers of the God's Crooked Lines have been heavily praising the film, with one person on Twitter calling it a "top tier movie".

Another gave it a rating of 9/10 and said it had "great plot twists and the ending had me questioning everything."

And another simply said: "God’s Crooked Lines on Netflix is INSANE. watch it."

God's Crooked Lines is an adaptation of the 1979 novel of the same name by Torcuato Luca de Tena.

Many people online are also comparing the movie to the iconic 2010 film Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio, as it follows a similar plot.

One person on Twitter said: "God's Crooked Lines - A protege to Shutter Island. Simply a superb psychological thriller."

And another said: "If you like Shutter Island, you have to watch God’s Crooked Lines."

netflix viewers praise film god's crooked lines
YouTube - Netflix

In Shutter Island Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Deputy U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels who investigates a psychiatric hospital after one of the patients goes missing. However, things are not as they initially appear and by the end of the film Teddy has a shock revelation about his own identity.

Whilst we're not giving away anything about the ending of God's Crooked Lines, if you loved Shutter Island, you definitely need to give God's Crooked Lines a go.

God's Crooked Lines is available on Netflix now.

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