Nanoblading Promises The Instagram-Worthy Brows You've Always Wanted

Photo credit: Matteo Scarpellini
Photo credit: Matteo Scarpellini


You only have to scroll through Instagram for a few seconds to realise that microblading is big beauty news.

There are currently nearly 13 million (yep, you read that correctly) hashtags dedicated to the cosmetic procedure that fills sparse patches, making scanty brows look seriously sharp.

But this year, another brow trend has caught our eye, and it promises even more natural-looking arches than it's super popular counterpart.

Enter nanoblading. You may not have heard of it, but it's catching up with microblading fast.

Here's the lowdown.

Photo credit: Rosdiana Ciaravolo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Rosdiana Ciaravolo - Getty Images

What Is Nanoblading For Eyebrows?

'Nanoblading is a new treatment that uses ultra-fine nano needles which can actually mimic the diameter and dimension of a real hair in the skin,' says nanoblading pro, Laura Kay, founder of Laura Kay London.

If microblading looks ultra-perfect or slightly too 3D for your liking, then nanoblading is your best bet for achieving a more convincingly natural look.

'Nanoblading dispenses pigment underneath the skin using a teeny tiny line of needles of 0.18mm,' says Laura. 'They are used with the aid of a disposable hand tool that creates such fine hair strokes, it looks like real hair growing from the skin.'

Photo credit: Filippo Fortis
Photo credit: Filippo Fortis

What Happens During Eyebrow Nanoblading?

Your chosen practitioner should talk you through the shade and shape you want beforehand and make sure you're totally comfortable and happy before beginning on your brows.

'The very tip of the needle, which has an ultra-small circumference, is then dipped into pigment,' explains Laura. The colour of the pigment depends on a number of factors including being a great match for your skin tone and something that is similar to your natural hair colour.

'The pigment is then dispensed gradually down the needles and into the skin to create flawless hair strokes and a beautiful, natural looking brow,' adds Laura.

It can take anywhere up to 3 hours and prices start from £395.

Photo credit: Rosdiana Ciaravolo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Rosdiana Ciaravolo - Getty Images

What Does Eyebrow Nanoblading Feel Like?

Don't let the word 'blade' put you off.

While pain is subjective, the procedure can be a little uncomfortable (it does use a team of tiny needles, after all), although it isn't entirely unbearable, and it's worth it for the brilliant results which can last anything between one to three years depending on your skin type and lifestyle.

Ditch the pencils and pomades, people...

What Does Eyebrow Nanoblading Look Like?

Like all cosmetic procedures, the amazing results speak for themselves.

If you're worried, book a consultation beforehand to decide on the best shape for your face, and don't worry if your brows look unnaturally dark immediately afterwards. Laura mentions that from day five onward, they may lighten considerably to a softer tone.

What's The Difference Between Nanoblading And Microblading?

As the name suggests, nanoblading is all about creating the finest hair effect possible.

'Microblading is a treatment that uses a handheld tool with ultra-fine pins that create a channel in the upper dermis of the skin so the pigment can be implanted. However, Nanoblading is a treatment that uses a digital machine. The needles used are some of the finest singular needles on the market and really allow you to work intricately' explains Stela Veiga, Microblader & SPMU at Nail's & Brows Mayfair.

How Should You Prep For Nanoblading?

Just like with every treatment, there are a few things to avoid before going under the micro-needle.

Veiga advises 'avoiding alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, aspirin and fish oil supplements for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment'. Just all the fun stuff then.

What Is Nanoblading After-Care?

Sorry, avid double cleansers - it's a total no-no to get your brows wet for up to seven days after the treatment. In the meantime, you can cleanse the rest of your face using micellar water.

According to Laura, it's also best to avoid applying make-up and creams or serums to the area. What you are encouraged to do is regularly slather on an aftercare balm or lotion (which will be recommended to you by your practitioner), to stop the area from becoming dry. 'Your eyebrows may also flake off in patches,' warns Laura, but do not peel them, as this could play havoc with the pigment and sabotage the end result.

'Sun exposure, laser and light therapies and workouts that involve a lot of sweating or water are also best avoided,' she finishes.

How Long Does Nanoblading Last?

Obviously, brows are a huge investment so it's important the results last the longest amount possible.

Veiga suggests that your perfect brows will last you over a year if looked after properly. 'Nanoblading typically lasts between 12-18 months, depending on the skin type. If you have oily skin it tends to fade quicker'.

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