Mum praises miracle £4.50 moisturiser for curing her baby's painful eczema

A mum says an over-the-counter moisturiser has cured her baby’s eczema
A mum says an over-the-counter moisturiser has cured her baby’s eczema

A mum has hailed a bargain, miracle cream that has cured her baby’s painful eczema, which was so severe she looked like she’d been burnt.

Joanne Nevin, 28 tried numerous ways to relieve her daughter Kelisha’s condition before discovering the £4.50 lotion from Childs Farm.

When her baby was just three-months-old Joanne, from Ballynahinch, Northern Ireland spotted that little Kelisha had started developing patches of eczema on her arms and elbows.

Kelisha’s condition steadily worsened, and the eczema started to spread to her face and head, causing her a lot of pain and discomfort, the mum, who is currently pregnant with her fourth child said.

The steroid creams prescribed by doctors only gave temporary relief to the condition, which had left Kelisha’s skin bleeding and weeping.

After reading about baby brand Childs Farm online and desperate to find a more long-term solution, Joanne bought the brand’s £4.50 Baby Moisturiser in June 2017.

Within just four weeks, Joanne says Kelisha’s eczema had completely cleared up.

Kelisha’s eczema was so bad it looked like she’d been burnt
Kelisha’s eczema was so bad it looked like she’d been burnt

“I read an article about Childs Farm online, so I decided to give it a go,” Joanne says. “Within four weeks Kelisha was like a different baby.”

“She was more settled and happy because she wasn’t as itchy and agitated. She had always been a happy, smiley baby, even when her skin was bad, but once we started using the products she was smiling all the time.

“When her skin was bad I could only dress her in baby grows, everything else was uncomfortable, so it was such a brilliant feeling just being able to dress her in normal clothes.”

Joanne now uses the products at every bathtime and says Kelisha’s eczema has not returned.

“Kelisha’s skin is completely clear now. I am just over the moon to have such a happy baby back again.”

According to the NHS as many as 1 in 8 babies suffer from eczema, particularly if there is a history of allergic conditions like eczema in the family.

“Babies often start to get eczema from 2 months old. The symptoms are patches of red, dry and itchy skin on the face or behind the ears, and in the creases of the neck, knees and elbows,” the site explains.

“Your baby may scratch the itchy patches and the eczema can get infected as a result.”

The NHS has some tips to help soothe your baby’s eczema including applying an unperfumed moisturiser to the sore area several times a day, avoiding aqueous creams, keeping your child’s bedroom cool, and sticking to cotton fabrics.

Kelisha is now eczema-free!
Kelisha is now eczema-free!

Commenting on Kelisha’s eczema and the improvement in her condition, Dr Jennifer Crawley, Childs Farm’s consultant dermatologist said: “Eczema can be an incredibly upsetting condition for parents and children. It’s a condition that comes and goes, with good days and bad days, making it all the more frustrating, particularly in little ones.

“Kelisha’s eczema was clearly impacting her quality of life and it’s wonderful to see such an improvement. With conditions like eczema, regularly moisturising is crucial. The condition dries out the skin, causing it to crack and become painful; a gentle moisturiser soothes and hydrates the irritated skin and allows it to heal.

“In severe cases like Kelisha’s, moisturiser should be applied numerous times throughout the day and it’s fantastic to see this approach has worked for the family. I hope Joanne is able to continue to manage her daughter’s condition with regular use of the baby moisturiser.”

It isn’t the first time the baby brand has been hailed as a miracle worker. Last year mum Paige Sweeney praised the Childs Farm over-the-counter cream as a ‘miracle’ after claiming it ‘cured’ her daughter Evie-Rae’s eczema in just a week.

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