This Morning's Ben Shephard forced to step in as outspoken Strictly legend tears into Giovanni Pernice amid 'abuse' claims

As news breaks that Giovanni Pernice won’t be returning to BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing, James and Ola Jordan took to This Morning to share their thoughts, causing Ben Shephard to ‘step in’.

James Jordan, who was on the show for 8 years, claimed he wanted his Strictly partner to have the ‘best Strictly experience they could,’ after admitting he was known for being ‘outspoken’.

“I honestly believe that if you went and asked all of them, they would say they had a great time,” 46-year-old former Strictly star said.

“So, for him to have four people come forward, there’s clearly something there…” he continued, before Ben Shephard stepped in.

James and Ola this morning
James and Ola Jordan spoke out on Giovanni's departure -Credit:ITV

“We need to be clear James they are allegations that he’s vehemently denied," Ben clarified, before reading out Gio's statement. "In his statement, he said: ‘You’ll be as surprised as I am about these allegations that have been made about my dance teaching methods in the media this week.

“‘Of course, I reject any subjection of abusive or threatening behaviour, I look forward to clearing my name.’”

Ola then went on to say ‘hopefully that will happen,’ while James questioned: “Have four people come forward with these allegations? It’s not just one person right, it’s four people?”

Ben then went on to clarify that it’s what’s being reported.

“Okay, so I can only go on what’s been reported,” James continued. “Like I said, I’m not bad mouthing Giovanni and none of us clearly know enough about it. We’ve been asked to come on here and discuss it, I can only discuss what I’ve read in the papers, the same as you,” the star expressed.

Ben, James and Ola This Morning
Ben Shepard 'stepped in' during the chat -Credit:ITV

“Which is, that four people have come forward with these allegations. And if that is the case, then you have to sit up and look at it. Is the proof in the pudding a little bit?

“He’s not back on the show, so clearly, whether or not he’s decided not to come back, or BBC have not asked him back, there’s something going on which we don’t know about,” James claimed, after saying it’s ‘difficult’ to comment on something he hasn’t seen footage for.

He then went on to say that Giovanni’s departure had ‘no impact’ on the 20th anniversary of Strictly, although wife Ola disagreed, saying she thinks ‘it’s a shame’.

“There is a big cloud over Strictly, but hopefully it will blow over,” she said, commented on how amazing every professional on the BBC show was.

James then added that 'this isn't new' - there will be people every year who don’t get on with their partners, just like office colleagues.

Giovanni has been on the BBC One celebrity dancing show since 2015 when he reached the grand final with Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote.