Men Are Revealing Things They Want To Stop Being Judged For Doing, And I Never Gave A Second Thought To Some Of These

I'm declaring 2025 as the year that we all just judge each other a little less. It's time to throw societal norms out the window and just do whatever our souls tell us to do, regardless of Karen's side-eyeing and judging us. Men of the BuzzFeed Community shared the things they're tired of getting judged for, and I honestly don't blame them for feeling this way. Here is what they shared:

1."Having gentle souls but having to always be strong. I hate that my boys have to hide their gentle selves."

Man kneels on a forest path, smiling and petting a dog wearing a collar as they touch noses
Djelics / Getty Images

2."I used to love taking long walks by myself at night when I was in high school. Nowadays, I’m worried someone will think I’m being creepy. That's absolutely shitty."


3."Men taking time out for themselves."


4."It's so wild to me that the hobby of baking is 'effeminate' (male femininity) when the career of a pastry chef is a male-dominated industry. If it's at home or in your free time, it's women's work, but if it's your profession, then it's men's work. Infuriating."

Man in kitchen wearing an apron, smiling while decorating a cake with powdered sugar. Cozy setting with wooden countertops and hanging lights
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

5."Buying a sports car or hobbies you couldn't do when you were younger. When you're young you don't have that kind of money. When you're older and hopefully more fortunate, maybe you can. I've learned most of these judgmental people are just bitter and mad at their own life so try to rain on other people's joy. Do what makes you happy, ignore the bitter people, life is too short to waste on them."


6."I’ve been making crafted jewelry for over 20 years and I sell a lot of it. At every show I do, some women will walk up and comment to one of my adult daughters that they make beautiful jewelry. They always let them know it’s me. One woman even assumed my wife made it and said 'Your wife make beautiful jewelry.' I replied my wife makes beautiful children, I make beautiful jewelry. I always find it funny because if they went into a jeweler at a store, they would expect a man, but crafters must be women."

A variety of ornate gold and diamond rings displayed on velvet stands in a jewelry store
Kwangmoozaa / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."There’s a big difference between being close to your parents and a 'mama’s boy.' One is healthy and the other is codependently unhealthy."


8."It shouldn't be widely seen as awkward or weird to compliment another man. It shouldn't be seen as creepy for us to compliment women. Sometimes you just have nice eyes that I appreciate."


9."I am in my early 70s. I am small in my man part. Since I was about 10 years old I have felt so unmanly. Other men who are large feel it makes them more of a man. Truth is, a male has no control how they turn out in the size department. Women in my past have been very cruel and judgemental."


10."I suppose judgment on the way I look. I’m 6’4''. Fairly big arms. So both genders are like 'Wow you’re tall!' Or 'Hey you’re kinda big! You ever play sports?' Also, I’m a plumber. When I shake hands with people, I’ve got a strong grip. Folks will mention that, and I’ll say 'plumber grip.' Almost every women would giggle when I said that, and make lame jokes about plumbers being good with 'layin' the pipe.' So, big guy, must play sports."


11."I’m a male pediatric nurse and honestly, I’m pretty damn good at what I do. I often get compliments from families about how well I interact with their kids, how easily I can make a connection, and how much I clearly love what I do. However, I also hear some absolutely vile things about what my motivation must be or have families refuse me as their nurse because clearly I have ulterior motives. It’s making me want to leave the profession at this point because the awful things I hear take up more space than all the positives."

A doctor in scrubs listens to a toddler's heartbeat with a stethoscope while the child sits on a guardian's lap in a clinic room
The Good Brigade / Getty Images

12."Showing affection towards another man. I’m very lucky to have the male friends that I have. We hug and kiss each other on the cheek. This should be the norm. I love them all and wouldn’t be the same without them!"


13."Shaving the body."


14."I have two jobs, one of which is working in a school, the other is as a librarian. One of the customers, who is in the library a lot, asked me what I did when I didn't work in the library and I told him I worked part time in a school. He said I shouldn't go around telling people that, that they might think that I had the wrong reasons for working with children. This to me was utterly baffling that anyone could even think that, I'd never been judged for working with children before."

A long aisle in a library with shelves full of books on both sides, leading to an open area in the distance
Catherine Mcqueen / Getty Images

15."A silly young man said that I shouldn't tell people that my husband enjoys long hot baths. I calmly told him, 'We don't follow those rules.' He seemed a little surprised. I hope he rethinks his ideas about gender 'rules.'"


Are there any other things you think men shouldn't be judged for? Tell me in the comments below!