Can "masseter Botox" stop me from clenching my jaw?

can masseter botox stop me from clenching my jaw
Does "masseter Botox" work to stop clenched teeth? CSA-Printstock - Getty Images

If you're reading this article, the chances are we have something in common: waking up after a night's sleep with a jaw that feels like it's done eight rounds in the ring with Mike Tyson. I'm a serial jaw-clencher, often gritting my teeth together during the night without even realising it, resulting in tight muscles, headaches and sometimes even earache. In more serious cases, your teeth can become damaged and chipped because of the excess pressure.

While people recommended meditation and mindfulness (stressed? Me?) as a way to tackle jaw-clenching - otherwise known as bruxism - I've also tried mouth guards and retainers. For a more permanent fix, my dentist suggested I try 'masseter Botox', to target the muscle rather than treat the symptoms. But what actually is it, does it work, and how long does the treatment last? Take this as your handy guide on everything you need to know.

"What is 'masseter Botox'?"

Masseter Botox is the popular name used to describe injections of Botulinum Toxin A into the masseter - one of the larger, rectangular-shaped muscles in the jaw. It's the muscle you use to chew your food and to open and close your mouth, and it can appear 'bulkier' in people who feel like they suffer from jaw-clenching, because it's overworked.

When this muscle is injected, the nerve signals are temporarily blocked, meaning it's essentially unable to move in the same way. As Dr Ahmed El Muntasar, a GP and award-winning aesthetician, explains, masseter Botox works by "reducing the muscle mass and the contractility of the master muscles so there's less pressure on the jaw. It reduces the clenching that happens when people are asleep or when they're stressed.

"For example, if you don't go to the gym, your muscles will get smaller. That's what happens to the muscles on the corner of the jaw [after the injection]; essentially, you're not moving them as much, as they're not clenching."

Are there any side effects to masseter Botox?

As with anything you inject into the skin, you may experience pain, bruising or swelling.

For my treatment, I had two small injections into each side of my jaw. It was relatively pain-free (the needle felt like a small scratch), and Dr Ahmed recommended I avoid exercise, alcohol or having sex for 24 hours afterwards.

I was also hesitant that the treatment might make it harder for me to chew, but it wasn't something I experienced - likely down to the fact we didn't inject a large amount: "If you inject too much, you can weaken the muscle a little bit and that can affect someone's bite. This is why it's much better to under treat and then top it up rather than over treat."

How quickly does masseter Botox work?

Most people notice the difference within a couple of weeks, but it can be up to a month. The masseter muscle is a bulky and bigger muscle, so it takes longer for the injection to settle in and start weakening the muscle.

Masseter Botox results - does it work?

Within a week, I found myself not having to worry about clenching my teeth. Having a locked jaw often felt like my 'default' position - I'd wake up with my teeth together on the daily. But after seven days, my jaw felt more relaxed, and I didn't have to worry about what might happen during the night. My 'default' sleep position became what's recommended by dentists: your tongue should be flat against the roof of your mouth, while your teeth are slightly apart (never touching) and your lips are closed.

From looking at myself, I didn't notice any aesthetic differences until I saw at the before and after pictures below.

Masseter botox before and after pictures

These photos were taken 10 weeks apart - on the day of my treatment, and two and a half months later. To me, the results are clear - the muscle is definitely less 'bulky', resulting in a slimmer appearance on the face, and the angular shape of my face has softened.

'does masseter botox work to stop clenched teeth'
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Personally, from an aesthetics point of view, I arguably prefer how I looked before, but the impact on my wellbeing is undeniable - my sleep has been better, and I've spent far less time worrying about the health and future of my teeth.

How long does masseter Botox last?

With any treatment like this, it's entirely dependent on the person: if your masseter muscle continues to be overworked, it's likely the injections will wear off quickly.

As Dr Ahmed puts it, "It can last anywhere from a couple of months to nine months, depending on the tension and the stress and how much activity there is in the muscle. Most patients come in for maybe two to three times a year."

While everyone is different, I definitely felt a difference for around 11 weeks - three months post-appointment, I've started to wake up with a stiffness in my jaw, which suggests the muscle is beginning to tighten again. Hello darkness, my old friend.

Masseter Botox is definitely something I'd get again. My headaches have been reduced, my face feels more relaxed, and I've also loved shedding the mental load of thinking about whether my jaw is locked.

Book an appointment with Dr Ahmed here

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