How to manage premenstrual syndrome symptoms
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that can affect women during certain days of the menstrual cycle, generally just before their period starts. While there is no test available to diagnose PMS, if you’re a woman of childbearing age, it’s highly likely that you will have experienced PMS symptoms to some degree at one time or another.
Mood swings, irritability, feelings of sadness, bloating and breast tenderness are all signs your period is on its way. But why do women get PMS and is there anything you can do to lessen the impact?
We speak to Narendra Pisal, consultant gynaecologist at London Gynaecology about managing PMS symptoms:
What is PMS and why does it happen?
PMS is a combination of symptoms that many women experience in the week or two before their period starts. It's not fully understood why women experience PMS during the menstrual cycle, but it is thought to be related to hormones.
"We know that PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder – a very severe form of PMS, are caused by the fluctuation of ovarian hormones," reveals Pisal. ‘The symptoms, which can be both physical and psychological, start a few days before your period and can be severe enough to affect your wellbeing, quality of life, performance at work and relationships.
‘The balance between oestrogen and progesterone levels is often responsible for the symptoms. After ovulation (which tends to occur mid-cycle), your oestrogen level drops and your progesterone level starts rising.
'This imbalance then gives rise to PMS symptoms. Before making a diagnosis, it’s important to keep a symptom diary and establish a firm correlation between your menstrual cycle and your symptoms.’
Common PMS symptoms
The terms premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual tension (PMT) are interchangeable. Every woman's symptoms are different and they can vary from month to month, but the most common PMS symptoms include:
PMS physical symptoms
Breast tenderness
Hot flushes
Sleep disturbances
PMS psychological symptoms
Low mood
Sadness or depression
Mood swings
Some women describe feeling ‘foggy’ and report an inability to make decisions
The intensity of PMS symptoms
PMS symptoms usually start during the onset of puberty in the teenage years and can continue right through to menopause. "There is an association between intensity of period symptoms including heaviness and pain and PMS," says Pisal. "Women with endometriosis also tend to have more PMS related symptoms."
For some women the symptoms of PMS can become so severe and disabling it can drastically affect their quality of life. In these instances, it is known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
We don’t yet know why some women get worse symptoms than others. "It may be to do with sensitivity to some of the ovarian hormones, and also the level of fluctuation between the hormones," says Pisal. If your symptoms are affecting your well-being, quality of life, work or relationship, it is important to see your GP or gynaecologist.
PMS treatment tips
If PMS is taking its toll and impacting your life, Pisal recommends the following tips to help reduce PMS symptoms:
Research suggests that exercise can relieve symptoms of PMS, including low mood and energy levels. One study found that women who carried out aerobic exercise three times a week for 8 weeks felt improvement of fatigue, impaired concentration, confusion and most premenstrual symptoms.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has been shown in a number of studies to relieve PMS symptoms. Taking vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and herbal supplements, such as evening primrose oil tablets can help.
Dietary changes
Making some dietary changes may help in alleviating symptoms. Nutritional experts advise cutting out caffeine, sugar and dairy.
Lifestyle changes
Stress-reducing strategies, such as yoga, exercise and avoiding stressful situations at work and home may also help.
Talk to a friend
Opening up to those closest to you, such as a partner, family member or friend, about your symptoms will help them understand what you’re going through, and why you might be having a hard time. It is helpful to be aware of when the symptoms may start, and to have a supportive family and colleagues.
The combined contraceptive pill
Using the combined contraceptive pill is one of the most common ways to override ovarian hormone fluctuations and is often useful in reducing (and sometimes completely eliminating) PMS symptoms. Make an appointment with your GP to discuss this possibility.
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