I’m a mum working 3 jobs: these are my non-negotiable daily happiness habits


If you find yourself finding it hard to manage your work, family life and simply your own sanity every day, then you might wonder how Dr Maryam Zamani, who holds down three jobs, as well as being a mum, does it! Maryam is not only an accomplished oculoplastic surgeon, she is also an aesthetics doctor and founder of her own skincare brand, MZ Skin.

Finding a healthy work/life/family balance is tricky at the best of times, plus midlife brings its own madness, as it is a life chapter that can make you feel a range of emotions. But  far from wallow in the hormonal chaos that it brings, Maryam is navigating midlife with purpose and joy thanks to a daily ritual of non-negotiable habits. “I try to enjoy the moments more and not be so concerned with getting it all done right then,” she explains to HELLO! “I look at my gorgeous daughter who just brings so much joy to all the little things, and I find myself lucky to have that now because I didn’t do that as much when I was younger.”

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Maryam prioritizes self-care, nutrition and exercise in her quest for daily happiness
Maryam prioritizes self-care, nutrition and exercise in her quest for daily happiness

Maryam shares her mood-boosting midlife daily rituals with HELLO!

Exercise helps to clear my mind

For Maryam, exercise isn't just about staying fit - it's a cornerstone of her daily routine that helps her stay sane. “I find that it helps clear my mind - it removes anxiety and tension, and gives me a mental break to refocus on doing something active.” Whether it's reformer Pilates to realign her posture, personal training sessions to build strength, or a leisurely evening stroll with her husband, Maryam is adamant that movement is key if you want to clear your mind and help it focus on the objectives of your day.

This evening ritual improves my sleep:

After her daughter is in bed, Maryam prioritizes some time for her own relaxation and rejuvenation. “Before bed, I take an Epsom salt bath with a few drops of lavender oil, place my phone in another room and finish my to-do list for the next day so I don’t think about it in bed,” she explains. “Sleeping well is very important to me, to support the skin’s natural ability to restore itself. Beauty sleep is not a myth so I try to sleep by midnight.”

A packed lunch helps focus my mind

Recognizing the link between a good diet and a focused mind, Maryam makes meal prep a non-negotiable part of her day. “Most days I have my lunch made at home and delivered to my office to make sure I have the energy to make it through the day,” she explains.  Breakfast is key for a productive day too, which Maryam eats with her kids. “It’s usually a freshly squeezed hot lemon and ginger drink, with either porridge or two poached eggs with a piece of buttered brown toast.”

I make time for a home pamper session once a week

During her busy schedule, Maryam makes time for self-care with a weekly pampering ritual. Being a skincare expert, she loves to indulge in using the exfoliators and masks from her own range. She find face massage nurtures her on the inside too. “I enjoy facial massages as they can lighten your mood, improve circulation and lymphatic drainage,” she explains.

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