Lisa Snowdon: I don’t have as much va va voom as I used to when it comes to sex

Lisa Snowdon admits her sex drive isn't as active these days credit:Bang Showbiz
Lisa Snowdon admits her sex drive isn't as active these days credit:Bang Showbiz

Lisa Snowdon doesn’t have as much “va va voom” as she used to when it comes to sex.

The presenter and model, 50, who famously dated George Clooney, added she wants more women to talk about sex as they age to normalise the reality of it when they reach mid-life.

She told the latest issue of Platinum magazine: “I definitely don’t have as much va va voom as I used to.

“Don’t put pressure on yourself. You go, ‘Oh my God, I should be having sex three times a day. Why don’t I feel frisky?’

“There are so many reasons you might not be – communication’s gone from your relationship or you’re feeling uncomfortable because you’ve put on weight.

“(Sex) is a mental thing as well as a physical thing for us women.

“You’ve got to have that connection and feel it on so many levels in that mood and in that space.”

Lisa, who has struggled with depression for years and went through a difficult menopause, added her interest in sex dipped three years ago when she had put on weight.

Telling how it led to her pushing away her fiancé George Smart, 42, when he came for a hug, she added: “Three years ago when I was at my biggest, I felt terrible.

“It wasn’t just about the weight. It was the anxiety and I wasn’t sleeping. George would come in and cuddle me and I’d be like, ‘Get off me, I’m so hot!’ He’d come and snuggle me and I’d be on fire.

“The worst thing you can do is to feel that you should be doing something, so stop all that comparison and putting pressure on yourself. Then things start to fall back into place.”

Lisa added while the three stone she gained at the start of her perimenopause “hasn’t all come off” she now has a “sense of self-acceptance”.