GOOD NEWS, “Happy Endings” is coming back for Season 4 (um, sort of)

GOOD NEWS, “Happy Endings” is coming back for Season 4 (um, sort of)
GOOD NEWS, “Happy Endings” is coming back for Season 4 (um, sort of)

Know how every night for the past three years, just as you’re climbing into bed, you look up at the night sky and find a shooting star and wish, “I hope Happy Endings comes back because I miss it so much!!”

Well friends, all that dedicated wishing finally has some results. In what is undoubtedly the best thing to happen to television since the initial invention of television, Happy Endings is coming back for that long hoped for Season 4!!!! WE DID IT!

Okay, here are the very exciting details about Season 4: It’s going to be one episode! Yeah, just one episode. Season 4, Episode 1, and done. This is the only downside to this joyous Happy Endings revival, but let’s just be thankful it’s happening in the first place.

Over the weekend, the writers of the three ICONIC seasons of the show (that was taken from this world too soon) reunited together to write this Season 4 episode, which they’re calling the “lost” episode. Thanks to social media (aka, Happy Endings writer/producer Prentice Penny, writer Jason Berger, and the HappyWrites Twitter) it’s like we were there too!!

Though the episode won’t actually air on our television screens, it will truly come to life later on this month at Entertainment Weekly’s POP Fest in Downtown LA. with a magical table read. The whole cast — Eliza Coupe, Damon Wayans, Jr., Casey Wilson, Zachary Knighton, Elisha Cuthbert, and Adam Pally — will come back together for this one-night-only event, that will remind us the brilliance of this perfect and precious show.

While this might truly be the last episode of Happy Endings ever to come to light, let’s still keep wishing on that shooting star every single night that Season 4 one day gets like, 21 more episodes.

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