When PMS ruins your life: What you need to know about PMDD

a young woman is sitting on the yellow couch at home with her head in her hands
What it’s like to live with life-ruining PMSEkaterina Goncharova - Getty Images

While most of us can relate to the irritability, sensitivity and lethargy of PMS, for some people, premenstrual symptoms go far beyond the 'sub-optimal' category. Welcome to the world of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): a severe form of PMS which can plague those impacted with debilitating problems.

The condition has been in the spotlight recently thanks to famous names like Vicky Pattinson speaking out about PMDD and how it impacts their lives. And awareness is being raised thanks to extra research, too. A 2024 study from The University of Oxford aimed to work out just how many women and girls have the condition and found that around 1.6% did meet the strict diagnosis conditions – that's over 30 million people, globally – with another 3% living with suspected PMDD.

The key symptoms of PMDD include a cocktail of wild mood swings, rage, a dark sense of depression and, in some cases, suicidal ideation in the weeks leading up to their period. Studies, such as a 2020 paper from BMC Women's Health, report that PMDD can have a debilitating impact on women's quality of life, leading to lapsed careers and broken relationships as well cruel self-image. Getting a diagnosis is often difficult, meaning that some don't know that an illness is to blame for their – often extreme – actions and emotions.

To get you informed on the intricacies of this poorly understood issue, here, WH speaks to leading experts in the field, as well as to people suffering with it.

What is PMDD?

PMDD, as mentioned, is a deeply severe iteration of PMS. This hormonal disorder can cause physiological shifts that can be 'physical, emotional or behavioural in nature,' according to Dr Nick Panay, consultant gynaecologist, honorary senior lecturer at Imperial College London and chairman of the national association of premenstrual syndrome (NAPS).

You can imagine it as sensation of PMS pushed to its limit: requiring days in bed, extreme emotional distress and the potential for halted education, careers and relationships.

What causes PMDD?

The specific cause of PMDD is largely unknown, although some research suggests that it may be genetic, brought on by past trauma or associated with increased sensitivity to the normal hormonal changes that occur during your monthly menstrual cycle.

It usually occurs after ovulation when oestrogen levels start to fall, triggering a fall in serotonin levels. The rise in progesterone post-ovulation can also have a mood-lowering effect in susceptible women.

What are the symptoms of PMDD?

Panay says that there are: 'over 100 PMS symptoms but the most distressing are usually the emotional symptoms.' PMDD symptoms can include:

  • Mood swings

  • Depression and hopelessness

  • Irritability

  • Symptoms of aggression

  • Loss of self-confidence

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Suicidal thoughts

PMDD vs PMS: What's the difference?

As PMDD is a severe type of PMS, it can be hard to distinguish the two. In cases of PMDD, the symptoms may also lead to:

  • Functional impairment personally, socially and professionally

  • Broken relationships

  • Lost work days

  • In extreme cases, 15% of women dealing with the condition have attempted suicide

PMDD symptoms usually start to appear around a week or two before the period commences and often subside by the time the period has finished, although experiences of PMDD differ from person to person.

If you're experiencing suicidal feelings and are worried you may act on them, you can call 999, go straight to A&E or call the Samaritans for free, on 116 123 to talk.

Is PMDD a mental health condition?

PMDD is broadly defined as an endocrine disorder, which means it's a disorder related to hormones – rather than mental health. But because of challenges in being heard by healthcare professionals, many women experience psychiatric misdiagnoses and a shocking average delay of 20 years before PMDD is correctly diagnosed and treated, according to the BMC Women's Health article.

However, as people with PMDD often suffer with a range of mental health problems around this time, PMDD has recently been listed as a mental health problem in the DSM-5 (one of the main manuals that doctors use to categorise and diagnose mental health problems).

Does PMDD get worse with age?

While anyone with the female reproductive system can suffer from the disorder, in Panay’s experience there are times of peak prevalence.

'It’s a common problem in adolescence when the periods first start, and unfortunately it’s very poorly treated in this age group.

'I’ve treated a number of teenage girls with PMDD who’ve gone from failing students expelled at school to straight A pupils who’ve been very successful. They were very bright girls but the symptoms of PMS/PMDD were interfering with their schooling,' he says.

PMDD is also more common in women over the age of 35, when ovarian function starts to reduce. These are the times of a woman’s 'menstrual career,' he said, when hormonal changes become most exaggerated.

But what causes PMDD has been the subject of much medical debate – and this has been reflected in near-impossibility of finally getting a diagnosis.

How to get diagnosed with PMDD

Getting a diagnosis with PMDD can be difficult. Because the symptoms of the disorder map so closely onto those of bipolar disorder, the former is often misdiagnosed as the latter.

This is in part because the mood changes are dramatic, with symptoms often receding at the outset of the period. Sufferers often describe waking up after a particularly bad day, feeling as though they’ve 'snapped back' into their usual self.

The best place to start is to keep a detailed record of your symptoms for several months - which will show any patterns of behaviour and symptoms - and take this to your GP.

If you're still struggling to get diagnosed and believe your symptoms are that of PMDD, The National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome offers support and advice on getting diagnosed and treatment options available.

PMDD Treatments: What's the best medicine for PMDD?

PMDD treatments vary, and some ask a lot of the person embarking on them. Currently, the PMDD treatments available include:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs – antidepressant medication

  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) injections, which cause temporary menopause

  • Hysterectomy - complete surgical removal of the womb

What triggers PMDD?

The specific triggers of PMDD remain somewhat unspecified. Some experts suggest it could be an unusual reaction to the hormonal changes that occur during each menstrual cycle.

Is PMDD a form of bipolar?

Bipolar disorder and PMDD both fall into the category of 'cyclic mood illnesses', according to National Institute of Health. Though the similarities, which are usually linked to mood, exist, PMDD is often misdiagnosed as a bipolar disorder when the two are different. PMDD is considered to be a menstrual-related mood disorder.

What is the PMDD gene?

In 2017, researchers at Harvard in the US discovered a 'PMDD gene', confirming a hypothesis that has been put forward for many years.

Namely, that PMDD occurs not because of hormonal abnormalities per se, but because some women suffer from depression (and other symptoms) due to a genetic vulnerability to the changes in hormone levels which occur in every woman, around their menstrual cycle.

Panay elaborates: 'There is now concrete proof that severe PMS/ PMDD is a genuine disease, which will hopefully convince those who viewed it a just a convenient excuse.'

In a society that historically sees mentally ill women as ‘hysterical’ and downplays the significance of female hormones on a woman’s experience, understanding and elucidating the illness – which the Harvard findings recently went some way in doing–means people can finally feel understood and get the help they need.

How does PMDD affect women in sport?

'You have two weeks of hell, one week of calm, one week of recovery where I feel like I'm doing damage control of how I was feeling earlier in the month,' says basketball player and spoken word poet Asma Elbadawi.

'It's really affected me both personally and professionally. In my personal life, people find it difficult to understand why you're so tired or why you've suddenly lost interest in things. In my professional, it became really hard to train in the mornings, especially the non-compulsory classes.'

'Now, I have to freelance as that's the only way I can manage my schedule as I still struggle with early mornings,' she adds.

For her, a PMDD diagnosis post-graduation (after being told she had an anxiety disorder or depression for years) helped her start to understand what was going on in her body.

Caroline Overton, consultant gynaecologist and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists says: 'Women sadly often wait a long time for a diagnosis due to a number of the symptoms mimicking other conditions, including premenstrual syndrome, depression and bipolar disorder.

'Part of the process of diagnosis includes keeping a detailed record of symptoms. GPs will provide daily questionnaires that should be done for at least two months to try to observe a pattern,' Panay agrees.

While there may be background symptoms throughout the month, the key factor is whether there is a worsening of symptoms.

'This premenstrual timing and exacerbation of symptoms can be missed by the patient, her friends, relatives and healthcare professionals,' he said.

'This is the main reason why the fluctuating mood symptoms are often misdiagnosed as bipolar disorder.'

'My PMDD was so severe, I chose to have a hysterectomy'

Emily Grace, 30, an NHS health worker from the East Midlands, on her life with PMDD

'There used to be a clichéd refrain from family members whenever I had a meltdown: ‘Are you due on?’ But I wasn’t just snappy or bursting into tears over silly things, like so many of us do because of PMS.

'Instead, for over a decade, I suffered with depression, anxiety and disordered eating behaviour; I was completely out of control of my own life – no one seriously believed it was my period behind the wheel. I’d always been a happy child, surrounded by a loving family. I was 12 when I started waking up with a dark cloud over my head and feelings of panic and foreboding, and I began to self-harm at 13.

'Then there were the physical symptoms: headaches, insomnia and lethargy that made my bones feel like they were made of concrete. My teenage years were dominated by a feeling of worthlessness. I was terrified of failure – my A-levels filled me with such extreme anxiety, I’d have panic attacks just thinking about them and would run out of class, hyperventilating.

'I visited doctor after doctor and was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, then anxiety, depression and, eventually, anorexia – I was looking for control wherever I could find it.

'When I got a place at the University of Southampton to study physiotherapy, I saw it as an escape. Although my problems weren’t rooted in my home life as such, I hoped that if I moved away, they might go away, too.

'But despite making friends and forcing myself to go to parties, I sank deeper into the darkness. One day, I found myself sitting on a park bench, deliberately overdosing.

'I didn’t want to die – I just wanted a break from the feelings of anxiety and worthlessness that plagued me. Overdosing became a regular pattern and eventually I was put under observation by the NHS crisis team, but this only made me more secretive, hiding it from those around me.

'Throughout my final year, I was admitted to hospital for overdosing another three times. A few years after I graduated, my doctor noticed something during a routine visit: I always seemed to be at my worst the day before my period was due. She thought I could have a condition called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). A severe form of PMS, symptoms can include extreme anxiety, psychosis, depression and, at worst, wanting to harm yourself and others.

'It can be so debilitating that your work, social life and relationships may become impossible to manage.

At first, I thought the idea was silly: surely there was no way something as ordinary as a period could have such an impact. But over the years, I’d been tracking my menstrual cycle on a calendar and writing about my mental health on a blog.

'When I looked at the two side by side, I was floored: every time my period was due, my mental health plummeted. In 2016, aged 26, I was diagnosed with PMDD. My doctor put me on a temporary chemically induced menopause, with replacement oestrogen to maintain my normal levels.

'This simulated what life would be like if I had a hysterectomy and my body stopped naturally producing oestrogen and progesterone. It was the best three months of my life. I didn’t have a single down day.

'But this treatment regime wasn’t a long-term solution, so doctors told me I should consider having a full hysterectomy, removing my uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. The thought of not being able to have my own child was painful, but nothing compared to the misery PMDD caused me.

'After weighing up the options with my family and professionals, I decided to go through with it and the hysterectomy was booked for 7 May 2019. I woke up feeling strong that day, even though a seed of doubt niggled: what if it didn’t make a difference? Of course, the hysterectomy can’t erase the hurt I’ve experienced.

'But it’s not an exaggeration to say the surgery set me free – every single one of my PMDD symptoms has vanished. I no longer struggle with disordered eating and I haven’t self-harmed since my surgery. I’ll be taking hormone-replacement therapy for life, but it’s a small price to pay.

'Many women who suffer from PMDD take their own lives. I could have been one of them but, instead, I have my life back.'

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