Knit a useful tote bag with our pattern – perfect for beginners!

knitted tote bag with sunglasses and tulips
Tote bag free knitting patternSarah Brick - Hearst Owned

If you're looking for your next knitting project, why not make it this useful tote bag? It's the perfect accessory to take with you everywhere, and really simple to knit.

Our tote bag is knitted in three shades of cotton DK to create a stylish ombre effect. You can swap the blues and greens that we've used for any shades which best suit your style.

This bag is a great project for beginner knitters – it follows a simple slipstitch pattern which you'll easily be able to master if you've learned the basic stitches. But if you need to brush up on your knitting skills, watch our how to knit video tutorial.

Happy knitting!

Width – 37cm

Length – 42cm

Strap length – 70cm

What you need

Paintbox Yarns Cotton DK in shades:

  • Marine Blue 434 (A) x 3 50g balls

  • Washed Teal 433 (B) x 3 50g balls

  • Macaron Green 470 (C) x 2 50g balls

5mm pair of knitting needles

Optional narrow ribbon or tape


19 sts and 40 rows to 10cm square over pattern using 5mm needles.


cm centimetre; cont continue; g gram; k knit; p purl; mm millimtre; patt patter; RS right side; sl1p slip 1 stitch purlwise; st(s) stitch(es); WS wrong side; wyib with yarn at back of work; wyif with yarn at front of work; tbl through back loop; [ ] repeat the instructions within the brackets as many times as directed.

Tote bag free knitting pattern

blue knitted tote bag with yellow flowers and sunglasses
Sarah Brick - Hearst Owned

NOTE: Pattern is worked double stranded throughout, using 2 strands of yarn held together and worked at the same time.

Front/back (make 2)

Using 5mm needles and 2 strands of A, cast on 71 sts.

K 1 row.

Row 1 (RS): P1, [sl1p wyif, p1] to end.

Row 2 (WS): K2, [sl1p wyib, k1] to last st, k1.

These 2 rows set slip stitch pattern.

Cont in patt for a further 18 rows.

Change to 1 strand of A and 1 strand of B, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 2 strands of B, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 1 strand of B and 1 strand of C, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 2 strands of C, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 1 strand of B and 1 strand of C, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 2 strands of B, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 1 strand of A and 1 strand of B, cont in patt for 20 rows.

Change to 2 strands of A, knit 3 rows.

Cast off knitwise.

Strap (make 2)

Using 5mm needles and 2 strands of A, cast on 5 sts.

Row 1 (RS): Sl1p, [p1, k1tbl] twice.

Row 2 (WS): Sl1p, [k1tbl, P1] twice.

These 2 rows set pattern.

Cont in patt until strap measures 70cm ending with a WS row.

Cast off.

Making up

Join 3 sides of bag together along cast on and 2 side edges. Join straps to either side of bag, approx 19 sts in from side edge. Weave in ends and block to given measurements.

Optionally - to stop the straps from stretching sew narrow ribbon or tape to inside edge of straps.

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